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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-09-17 in Posts

  1. Looks like Bethesda helped out with the Switch version of Mortal Kombat 1. With Switch I can understand since the Switch is a Potato. What is Starflop's excuse for looking so shit? Why are lemshits still damage controlling Starflop running at 720p/30fps and looking like this in 2023 as am MS first party game more than a decade in the making?
    3 points
  2. Got a chance to play quite a bit more Sea of Stars. About 16h in now. The game is honestly so good and it probably has the best pacing ever in a jrpg. Continually moving forward, new environments, new mechanics, new bosses. The loop is great.
    2 points
  3. Portable mode is so good with quality controls.
    1 point
  4. You're setting yourself up for such a huge fall for no reason. Did you see the Mario vs Donkey Kong remake? Did you see Princess Peach Showtime!??
    1 point
  5. lmfao, imagine having the game go from the high quality pre-rendered videos of the campaign, to suddenly seeing those atrocities on the transitions to gameplay
    1 point
  6. Never said you had to pick Sony. Pick Nintendo, pick MS, I don't give a shit.
    1 point
  7. When two parties are in a discussion and one makes a claim that the other disputes, the one who makes the claim typically has a burden of proof to justify or substantiate that claim, especially when it challenges a perceived status quo.[1] This is also stated in Hitchens's razor, which declares that "what may be asserted without evidence may be dismissed without evidence." Carl Sagan proposed a related criterion – "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" – which is known as the Sagan standard.[2]
    1 point
  8. Hermits are literally just Manticores without the purple. So basically they're just pussies. Useless faction. They bring nothing to conversation, they add nothing to the war. Delete it. There's a whole three of them so the faction won't be missed LOL. Pick an actual team, pussies.
    1 point
  9. More like YOU don't get to post some bullshit without proof of it happening. If YOU don't want to do YOUR homework, then piss off, because you've lost
    1 point
  10. Nobody develops strictly for PC BECAUSE they're all similar now.. Nobody develops strictly for it, but everyone DOES develop for it Consoles are low spec PCs for school kids (toddlers should be the faction name for consoles) PC wins because not only can you smash the console performance, it's also CLEARLY the superior overall platform for gaming. Steam is the best gaming platform period. PC has backwards compatibility through all generations, while you fucks are scouring craigslist and ebay looking for some plastic cases that some fgt jerked off in and has passed
    1 point
  11. Yes. That's literally the reason I spend 3x. I like higher Settings and I like 2-3x frame rate. If I didn't, I wouldn't have this 4080 and 7800X3D. I'm not spending this money because I hate FPS and Settings lol. PS5 and Xbox Series X games at 30 fps are unacceptable | Tom's Guide (tomsguide.com) ARMORED CORE 6 - PS5 vs Nvidia 4080 Performance Review - 60FPS vs 120FPS - YouTube I don't care what they are designed for, as long as they are fun and that I continue to get the most high scoring games (by a large margin) and play the better version of mo
    1 point
  12. I have these. Best portable controllers around. Can’t go back to joycons.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Even if we assume what you said is true and the 40 seconds load time doesn’t matter, loading to get inside a room, loading to orbit, loading to step outside or enter your ship adds up by a lot in a single play session. There’s a reason why this meme here is so true and funny…. I can’t believe your retarded ass is even attempting to damage control the ridiculous load times in Starflop. There’s a reason why Eurogamer, GS, and IGN brought up the load times as a serious negative in their reviews and your fucking retarded ass is still trying to damage control this shitty gam
    1 point
  15. You're even worse than they are This has nothing to do with the hardware.. it's the developers. What's next gen about 60fps? 120hz support? Xbox has that. VRR is also better on Xbox RT is essentially the same on both. Insomniac is basically the only PS developer that's utilized it well at this point. Xflop has Forza Motorsport coming up which actually has RT during races. Most games are the same I'd actually argue Xbox has the most next gen feature built into the console, which is Quick Resume. That's functionally useful.
    1 point
  16. there was no discussion, because you attempted to lie. And then got caught lying. You have no credibility...........therefore I don't need to accommodate somebody with blown credibility. I love how he's trying to move the subject to another tangent. ............as I will now bring it back to the fact that he lost an argument with gouko about PC gaming being better than console gaming
    0 points
  17. Nope......you don't get to lecture anybody. Since you've already been caught lying. Why don't you wiki "credibility" to learn why you don't have it.
    0 points
  18. no it isn't............because I already caught you lying when you pretended you didn't know about it, then suddenly you did. You were lying, and got caught. Don't have any burden........because your word means nothing on this subject. So like I said. ............I............don't.........have...........to...............accommodate... ........a known liar.
    0 points
  19. Dude.... LOL, taking this too serious. Anyways, hang on... Just trying to find a way to work with this... Hmmm... alright. Yet no one is developing strictly for PC despite all of the systems being similar. Which is the ENTIRE point of what I've been saying... no one develops strictly for PC. PC gaming is dead. So why the hell are you hermits running around claiming victory? You've won nothing. Your horse didn't even compete in the race for long, it died back on lap 7. It looks like this:
    0 points
  20. LOL another second-class citizen who looks forward to stealing, since they don't have any games. I love how they keep on changing their story about whether or not the PC is better than consoles.......when they're literally resorting to stealing and CONVERTING THEIR PCs INTO A SWITCH in order to be able to play these Switch games LOL he's trying to count piece of shit indie games and broken ports that he never plays LOL and he knows this, so he tries to change the subject into talking about me.
    0 points
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