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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2024-05-12 in all areas

  1. Do you suck her dick first or does she suck yours?
    4 points
  2. GD - not mad Ghostz - not mad Jonb - not mad Mr Miserable - MAD GooXosan - MAD GD talks about normal stuff 99% of the time. Of course we arent going to call him out for his random jabs because its jokes. Idiot. LOL
    2 points
  3. This thread reeks of desperation the same way your girl reeks of Tyrone’s nut and cologne.
    2 points
  4. Just got another limited print. Castlevania Advance
    1 point
  5. Yeah I agree, I actually think that when they are remade (RE5/6) they will actually be looked up on more favourably then when they were released. They are fine games, just maybe not what people wanted back then. The racial RE5 issues are ridiculous, always were. Hopefully Capcom ignore it all and just do their own thing in their own Japanese way. Yeah I get that. Probably just my obsession with wanting full circle things lol But I have also really enjoyed the first person REs, possibly because they have been accompanied by the usual 3rd person RE games with the Remakes.
    1 point
  6. It's a great game. Was one of my fav games in the year it came out. Hopefully has held up well.
    1 point
  7. I'm nowhere near tornado alley. There are tornados in my state but in this area very rare. I grew up In the town it hit and it was basically unheard of to ever think a Nader would come thru. Especially one with 120mph winds. Last year we had wind gusts up to 80mph and everyone was like wait what , this never happens. Then we get this. It's pretty scary cause as time goes on I feel like it gets worse here every year. The flooding we has this year has also been awful and unusual
    1 point
    1 point
  9. That not the insult you dipshit, the fact that they convinced you it was a threesome and tag teamed your girl while they were fucking her in front you.... That's the insult. But like I said, you have the mind of a cuck so you think the insult his GD saying Tyrone
    1 point
  10. This is incredible. There's already a version of it for Majora's Mask that I downloaded and played yesterday and it's phenomenal. The program basically recompiles games in mere seconds.. contains no copyrighted code.. can also support ultrawide aspect ratios, incredibly high framerates, and even ray tracing. It's crazy.
    1 point
  11. Xenoblade 2 is becoming rare and the Asian release of MegaMan Zero Collection.
    1 point
  12. thats pretty neat. this will be huge if it can be expanded for other consoles.
    1 point
  13. I would probably get a PC just for a 4K 60fps Bloodborne. It’s quite possibly the best game ever (Maybe Dark Souls 1 is better, it’s so close). But the 30 FPS in Bloodborne is rough. But god damn, that was probably the most satisfying game to platinum.
    1 point
  14. Ah, good point. It was dumb to ask you to think like a normal person. Like your first response was this So I guess you're miserable and obsessed with Firepower?
    1 point
  15. Yea, I'm aware that he's said some shit back to you.. but you guys continually bring it up every time he makes a new thread about PS, or when something bad comes out about Xbox. It's lame he can't talk shit about consoles without you guys personally attacking him and every thread bringing up something about that. I'd be saying it if it was the other way around as well. Most of the time GD doesn't say shit and has no real issue with anyone here... which is probably why he's not saying anything back to GD. GD knows when to make a funny jab at someone and then back off.
    1 point
  16. Interesting. Does Bloodborne have the same icon? Oh wait......
    1 point
  17. Lmfao! Especially the load screens
    1 point
  18. Got another limited print it's a fantastic port with tons of content.
    1 point
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