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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2024-05-19 in all areas

  1. Watched Barbarian. Had heard about it a couple years ago but never got around to watching it till now. Really enjoyed it. Had a nice little twist to the usual formula and was captivating throughout. Still suffers from the same issue that practically every horror movie does though where the first third of the movie is just always the best. Most mysterious, tense and intriguing part of the film and that slowly drops as the movie goes on but it does some stuff to keep things fresh. 8/10
    1 point
  2. Real talk though Microsoft's marketing in general is abysmal, and has been for a very long time. I see Nintendo and PlayStation commercials multiple times per day, and absolutely nothing for Xbox.
    1 point
  3. Still should not be even close to that far down the list. It's seriously concerning. MS has completely failed this game, the studio, and the IP. Either people really seriously don't give a shit about it..... or it's the literal non-existent marketing, and the trailers for the game not really revealing anything interesting about the game at all.
    1 point
  4. I haven't scanned this thread in a long time. God Aza really is ducking delusional with this nazi shit.
    1 point
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