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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2024-10-19 in Posts

  1. So the game that was feature complete in 2023 has a release date of 2026? It’s definitely coming this time guys. Get hype!
    4 points
  2. Finished SH2 after 18 hours. The game does get a bit exhausting towards the end, especially starting at the labryinth which I think is the worst area and could have been trimmed down quite a bit. But even in most of the other areas, there's a bit too much combat and enemies you have to deal with. They started feeling like fodder I needed to get rid of so I could explore in peace. There's also some areas where its so dark, you have to struggle to make out whats going on. There's one boss fight in particular that was tricky just because of the amount of darkness (I actual
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. @FIREPOWER Wow, yea that's a lot better lol Gonna edit my other post with that video instead
    1 point
  5. You and me both. I had my jaw on the floor at that scene. I had to pause the stream and rewind to make sure I was actually seeing them do that in real-time. Insane shit going on with this game, and you're right about them knowing their audience. They know the people that have backed/followed this game for years are very knowledgeable about how game development works and the usual smoke and mirrors that other AAA devs do won't impress them. What I saw today pretty much validated the money I spent backing this game years ago. I love Star Citizen but my first love with the project was
    1 point
  6. I don't think some people can appreciate technically what's going on here.. It's crazy. You're definitely right about that.. it takes massive balls. It shows that they know who they're trying to impress, and they know those people know that technical issues are just a part of the road of development. The part ~43:53 where the ship is being attacked and they send out a fleet to take care of business and Gary Oldman's character whispers "Go".. and it pans to the holograph and then seamlessly switches over.. like holy shit that is so technically impressive it's crazy. I literally
    1 point
  7. Yea graphically and technically it blows everything we've ever seen out of the water. I was shocked they decided to demo it LIVE as AAA studios have long since stopped doing this. Lots of guts on their part. 2 years is plenty of time to polish everything we've seen so far and optimize. The game is more impressive looking than I ever imagined it would be when I backed/bought it 10 years ago. I don't care how long it's taking for them to make this game. The industry needs a game like Star Citizen to show how to take risks and push the envelope of technology. In an era of shit
    1 point
  8. Twinky's dumb as fuck and that trailer quality is shit. That gameplay demo, outside of the crashes and obvious optimization/polishing passes the game is yet to receive, is fucking incredible. There's no other game I know of that is jumping back and forth from scene to scene with as much action and shit going on as this. Not even fucking close. As incredibly cool as Ratchet and Clank's portal sequence is... it's literally nothing compared to what this is doing. Seamlessly going from one scene to the next. And it takes balls to show off such a demonstration live.. with someone actually pla
    1 point
  9. I don’t see any graphical downgrade. You should also post the entire live gameplay demo which technically shits on any game we’ve seen so far….
    1 point
  10. So they added Anti-aliasing to the PC version but not the console versions? lol... what? Good thing though.. the best version gets better
    1 point
  11. Just started it. I forgot how dope the music is
    1 point
  12. Remasters for PS5 followed by remakes for PS6. Remaster those remakes for PS7. All the while Phil Spencer will still be in a job and Xbox will still have no games above a 7 regardless of the 100 billion sunk into buying third party studios.
    1 point
  13. POE2 will stomp this uninspired trash ARPG.
    1 point
  14. I just got to the city after the runner part. That part was pretty cool. It seems like, unlike persona , that some of the choices you make actually affect things? Maybe not but it seems more important than Persona unless i chose the one it wanted me to. AA makes this game so much more pretty too. And it doesnt give me a headache in the open part. This city part seems like is where the game opens up some. Hope i can play some a little later.
    1 point
  15. Finally got it working. They added SMAA thank fuck . Also the volume is like 3 times louder my ears when I started the game wtff
    1 point
  16. My buddy is pharmacist at CVS and he has some pretty funny stories about Ozempic and other Semaglutide patients getting fucked over by backorders, not getting their drugs for a couple months, and seeing them put the weight back on even during just the little break. Always his fault too for not getting the drugs in. Like fuck off, you hopped on the bandwagon of an insulin drug that didn't have the manufacturing capability to keep up with demand. You're the problem.
    1 point
  17. *Punches Petit Poitras's belly and manboobs* Fini le poutine *punch* fini les deserts *punch* fini les gateaux *punch punch*
    1 point
  18. there are a few ozempic zombies at my work. they look sickly. just diet and exercise. lazy fucks.
    1 point
  19. folks, nature already has a cure: cigarettes
    1 point
  20. ^ ^ Look at the essay this retard is typing while claiming he isn't mad or upset What a meltdown!
    1 point
  21. SlowJon having meltdowns over people making fun of his favorite company's incompetence
    1 point
  22. It absolutely is. DF did a video on it. Alien isolation is an average stealth game with a fantastic setting. The hardest difficulty will make you want to slit your wrists.
    1 point
  23. The Switch version of Alien is better in some ways than the PS4 version when docked. It's a fantastic port.
    1 point
  24. I bought this game then none of my friends did I don’t think I ever even turned it on I HBFR
    1 point
  25. 0 points
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