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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2024-10-21 in Posts

  1. Beat it. I’ll write a longer review in a few days. 8.5 is my score.
    2 points
  2. I changed it from default to easy and I feel that is still has enough challenge to not be blasting through it but also you do more damage to where mp isn't as big of a concern. If mp becomes an issue later I'll have no problems changing it to story mode . Also there was only one vendor I found so far that sold mp potions and he only had 3.
    2 points
  3. Im sure if that happens i can just reload my save from beforehand and teleport back to the main mission. It said I have enough time so we'll see lol
    1 point
  4. Trying to figure out the other one, but (lol) Moore's Law is Dead said he's heard that there are emails between Microsoft employees stating Nintendo made it clear that they will be releasing games to the PC market within the next 5 years, and that was back in 2020/21. I know, I know.. but these are completely different sources.
    1 point
  5. Exactly. They’ve done iOS games. I don’t see why they can’t bring some to pc that would bring in bank.
    1 point
  6. most of the game deviated from p5 a lot. It was surprisingly deep, and it was more like a series of mini dungeons and actual missions. The last 20% (feels like 40% lol) took a nosedive, though.
    1 point
  7. Oh. It ramps up significantly. Use your ship time wisely. It’s a good place to up your imagination, courage, etc.
    1 point
  8. Yeah, if MP caps/losing days weren’t an issue, it would be perfect. Melee attacks don’t feel as effective in this game as they did in Persona (in turn-based mode).
    1 point
  9. God damn.. This game is completely unreal with a good headset. The fucking ambient noise and sounds and the directionality of everything is insanely atmospheric. If this doesn't win all the best sound design awards it's fucking rigged. Playing through the hospital section and you can hear rumbling of thunder outside when close to the outer walls and then further in you can still faintly hear it... all the while buzzing from lights and drips and creaking sounds swirl around you as you progress through the area... only able to faintly see with your flash light. It's amazing. The
    1 point
  10. No that's for retards. Just eat pussy every day you lose weight.
    1 point
  11. Yeah i heard Gooknofun and DIke talking about it and it se........oh wait LMFAO none those fake sheep talk about playing games
    1 point
  12. He’s also in another thread hyping a yearly COD rehash and MS Flight Sim.
    1 point
  13. You mean he put his personal views in his pocket and voted along the lines of his constituency, like he's supposed. What's the problem with this exactly?
    0 points
  14. You dodged the question, was it a right leaning supreme court or left leaning supreme court who repealed Roe vs Wade? I'll save you the trouble.. it was a conservative Supreme court that repealed Roe vs wade. And how did we end up with a conservative leaning supreme court? A Republican senate BLOCKED and stalled Obama's Supreme Court appointments in 2016 hoping that a GOP president would be elected and when a GOP president was elected and inaugurated in Jan 2017 they fast tracked all his supreme court nominations all the way through 2020. Those supreme
    0 points
  15. The last “boss”…let’s just say I had to pause it after several hours. I don’t even care if I lose progress. The game went from elevating the persona formula into a more cohesive and deeper rpg…to doubling down on the worst parts of 5.
    0 points
  16. Cheney says he will support Trump - 2016 https://www.cnn.com/2016/05/06/politics/dick-cheney-donald-trump/index.html Dick Chaney supported Trump from 2016 through 2024 and Trump was happy for the support. Didn't hear a peep from you guys about the scum dick Chaney supporting Trump.
    0 points
  17. The endgame is ridiculously long. Every time I think I’m done, there’s a new dungeon. It went from stellar pacing to p5 on roids.
    0 points
  18. Yeah….their are some amazing, optional (though you get 3 of the best armors in the game) areas, but they hard af. The last area has these annoying fucking enemies. My party is strong enough that I can beat them without using revive. However, I ran out of MP several times. I’m not even done with the area yet.
    0 points
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