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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2019-02-17 in Posts

  1. More than it's actual score
    11 points
  2. Just finished RDR2. Now that’s how you do an epilogue! I beat the title in 2 weeks - a rarity for me now, considering the 60 + hour length. Prior to playing this, I thought I was losing interest in gaming. However, RDR2 reminded me why I play - to get lost and completely immersed in a universe. The gameplay wasn’t perfect. The mission structure is dated. However, I didn’t even care. The world and its main characters are so dynamic, and the game is filled with many memorable moments. If I were to sum up the title with one word, it would be “grand”.. 10/10 for me
    3 points
  3. I just played my first game of wrecking zone and the destruction is fucking bonkers.
    2 points
  4. 6/10 https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/far-cry-new-dawn-review-tape-it-up/1900-6417086/ smart to release alongside a marquee microsoft 1st party title, guaranteed not to be the worst flop of the week/month
    2 points
  5. This is you watching How Stella Got Her Groove Back in real time; in 2019. If you had shown up in 2005-2009 he would have owned you so that only memes would have followed your responses, and not actual written-out responses. Consider yourself very lucky to have met BodyCount at a time where all his ownage from the previous decade, ended up so that he was obliged to pay it all back. Truly, the Power of the X - to take down such a legend, only speaks about those deep, dark depths where the Xbox currently resides.
    2 points
  6. I was wrong and I have to apologize. It's even worse than I remember.
    1 point
  7. 4000 copies sold and 60 metacritic TLHBR!
    1 point
  8. There was no threads on GAF or GS.... Smash is DEAD IN THE WATER, TAKE IT TO THE BANK!!
    1 point
  9. Ori is dope . Doesn't Ori 2 come out soon? Im about a level 10 in Anthem. I really like this game. The Story stuff is pretty average stuff and walking around the Fort area is tedious . The gameplay and controls are spot on during gameplay but feel like absolute ASS outside of gameplay. The game runs good but there are certain parts of the map that kill framerate. Any area I come across that has those dumb tenticles where you have to collect glowing shit wrecks the framerate. You can be in an area with 30 enemies and the screen looks like crackdown wrecking zone and eve
    1 point
  10. what a fucking joke though, dude is playing on PoC, glitching out of bounds and is the running speed amped up or is that just because he's holding a grenade? Fucking PoC cheat run though, fuck this ugly PC bastard.
    1 point
  11. damn, i remember being able to do it in 1:45 ~ ish. Wish i could find my memory card (or still had a PS2 or gamecube). I'm sure I was up there. fantastic game, better than RE2 Remake for sure. Remake tops it but still, best in franchise calibre title.
    1 point
  12. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2019-02-17-uk-charts-far-cry-new-dawn-is-no-1-but-metro-exodus-is-the-real-winner Holy fuck This game 4 thousand units I CAN'T BREATHE PHIL SPENCER PUBLICLY APOLOGIZE AND RESIGN FROM YOUR POSITION
    1 point
  13. Finished Hellblade. Great game. Perfect length cause any longer and it would've outlived it's limited gameplay. More Ori. Legitimately superb. Probably like it more than Hollow Knight, based purely on style.
    1 point
  14. In 5 years Microsoft is going to have the exact same number of exclusives as they do right now.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Best game to ever bear the Resident Evil name.
    1 point
  17. You just don't understand the answers you get to your questions. Maybe try not to be on drugs once in a while.
    1 point
  18. I just got the game. I can't believe it comes on two discs.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. They probably just gave up playing and decided it was better to play Tetris 99 than to finish the Crackdown review.
    1 point
  21. Fuck man ps4 is so dark and emo. Look at those game names
    1 point
  22. Well, there's still Judge Eyes Left Alive Days Gone Ghost of Tsushima The LesBiUs part II Death Stranding Catherine full body granblue fantasy if even one of those were an xbox exclusive would be the Bone's best game ever
    1 point
  23. So I finally played crackdown 3. It’s basically crackdown, which is fine. The agility orbs are still fun to collect. The series has always had a shitty campaign, and this is no different. However, I’m getting a lot of 2007 nostalgia vibes (maybe because it looks and plays like a 2007 game lol). I had a lot of good memories with the original, so I’ll probably finish this. I can’t imagine it being longer than 5 or 6 hours
    1 point
  24. Not only that, but he's completely fucking wrong. Sea of Thieves is one of the best designed games this gen and an amazing co-op game. He's just ignorant and doesn't know what he's talking about. The game design is top notch.. people just got hung up and passed on it because it was low on content at launch. Just look at Atlas... that game had a trailer showing all this amazing stuff... and the actual game came and it was complete fucking garbage. Ark 2.0... Sea of Thieves is 50x the game that is, and is technically impressive and gorgeous to look at. It's finely tuned with it
    1 point
  25. They literally pioneered a technology for online gaming never seen in a game before and you're questioning some launch concessions to ensure function and stability. Do you know how ridiculous that comes off? You're being dumb. There's no baseline for them to go off of, no manual to run to, pushing this to launch scale always breeds different results than isolated pre-launch testing. You can't just throw caution to the wind and wing it, you have to approach something like this tactful and delicately.
    1 point
  26. I got to say Tales of Berseria is the better game imo now. The combat is a extension of the Gamecube era Tales of Symphonia. Very dated. The lack of camera control in cities is a huge downgrade from even the later PS3 games that came after. Berseria just plays so much better. We're probably going to see a nextgen Tales game designed with Switch's 3 gigs of usable Ram, that's 6 times more than the PS360 and it's just going to feel like a stone age entry.
    1 point
  27. Horizon was the first game to kinda "master" the technique.
    1 point
  28. It's a graphics technique used by many devs to hit higher resolutions. Mostly Sony devs, since the Pro system was designed around the technique. We see it on XBox as well, S reconstructing to 1080p,less common on X.
    1 point
  29. Honestly MS's results this gen have been pathetic. Their first party is worse than the output of THQ Nordic. Like what the fuck.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Kingdom Hearts III - Worst. Cutscenes/Story/Writing. Ever. This shit is torture, expositionary dialogues and more expositionary dialogues about a story that makes 0 fucking sense for the uninitiated. The cutscenes are badly paced too. The combat also sucks, the various special attacks you gain looks cool but it makes everything feels random and lacks depth/tactical approach to combat. The gummi ship parts are also pretty bad. This game is garbo. Nomura is truly a hack fraud. Ace Combat 7 - I'm finding my groove with this game. Despite the difficulty I'm throughl
    1 point
  33. Those epilogues I can't remember any form of entertainment that had 2 epilogues. That carpentry shit at the end there was so fucking zZzZZZZzzZZZZz
    1 point
  34. They're the only one who can save VR.
    1 point
  35. Also don't get into any unmarked taxi's all of them are scams and they'll drive you to the middle of nowhere and demand some outrageous sum
    1 point
  36. Apart from Spicoli - and his four (or is it now 5?); Xboxes attached to various household appliances, every lemming games on other platforms. Bhtyre talks about PSVR in the Gaming Thread, DC has everything in a basement that looks like what a 13yr old might imagine NASA Launch Control looks like from their perspective, even JonB bought a Dell and promptly upgraded it. Lemmings
    1 point
  37. lol MS isn't even trying 6ix of thieves 5tate of decay cr4ckdown the next halo must score a 0 whoops i forgot, 1 is the lowest score everywhere, right? I get it. it was scaleb0und.
    1 point
  38. They need to bring this to PC, flat out.
    1 point
  39. More exclusives announced in 35 minutes than Xbone has in its entire existence
    1 point
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