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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-09-02 in all areas

  1. It is DONE The best video game of all time
    3 points
  2. Just three months ago: Today: Notice that the montage from June is almost all shots of being on a planet around Dawn or Sunset, so that there's heavy amounts of shadow and silhouetting. And these shots are of the terrain during the middle of the day where everything is well-illuminated. And apparently this game is not even exceeding 6GB of VRAM. So it was clearly designed around the Xbox Series S.
    3 points
  3. oof, the starfield subreddit is having some fun....in a way, you could say
    2 points
  4. LemiJ - "I can't wait to fly freely from planet to planet and get lost in space, the exploration will be unmatched" 😢
    2 points
  5. LemiJ - " The 1000s of planets beaming with life and wonder, the galaxy is yours to freely explore" 😭
    2 points
  6. LemiJ - "bbbbut the unlimited exploration, vastness and infinite potential"
    2 points
  7. Problem with this approach is they don't even know how to make a good action game. Nier and SoP are their best offerings but they didn't make those.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. When your $7.5-billion dollar investment ends up a massive, buggy flop
    2 points
  10. I get the same feeling I had way back in 2015 when I got Fallout 4. It is typical Bethesda franchise gaming with the space theme. And I am not saying this as a bad thing. Visually speaking it offers a clean presentation. There is nothing stunning about this game but detail wise, it is really good. There is a ton of menu sorting to do the most basic tasks, so I agree with the video about "Before you buy Starfield". However there is a ton of customization, crafting and perk customization in this game. What do I mean by this? That back in 2015
    1 point
  11. Sony should absolutely go to Sean and his 8-person dev team and say "we want you to make a specific 20-30 hour story DLC pack to NMS. We (Sony) will pay for and develop the story, the mo-cap, the facial-capture, the voicework. You create about 10-15 specially handcrafted planets interspersed throughout the universe, and we sell it as a $30 add-on to everybody who has the game already." Just to show-up MS and Bethesda.
    1 point
  12. LOL they're literally trying to own me..............by claiming I'm playing the game, and they're not The one that they hyped. That's about as rock-bottom empty as Starfield 1001 planets.
    1 point
  13. Luke Stephens came through on his promise to make a follow-up video in which he demonstrates why land exploring is borderline usless. The video is mostly three parts. He demonstrates messing around in the terrain in the opening level area. Then he demonstrates messing around in the terrain in a planet in a solar system you would have access to later on in the game to show you how borderline useless things still are. And then he demonstrates how the procedural-generation of the tiles on any one particular planet makes the whole endeavor of wanting to explore
    1 point
  14. Oh man they're even angrier in day 3 And they're actually getting angrier later into the night.
    1 point
  15. No, you're even directly quoting me. You're having a meltdown, sweetie. I'm having...........a ball Take a look at the other bitter guy melting down: poor guy, he's really trying everything, at this point. I'm surprised he hasn't tried to launch his gif creator app, yet. But I'm sure we will see it soon.
    1 point
  16. I don't need to think anything. The game WILL be best on PC. This isn't up for debate dummy. A bland empty 3D box for a room is still better at 120hz than it is at 60hz. Funny thing will be watching you buy this game on PC to play on your ROG Ally instead of the Ditch
    1 point
  17. Have you seen the VR game from the same universe that was just revealed? Looks pretty good
    1 point
  18. LOL he's still trying to do the "you guys try too hard" routine. .........as......he's.............melting............down...........into............the............third........day
    1 point
  19. You know the sheep are obsessed dumbos when they say the switch version will be better than PC just so they can sit here and argue on a saturday night. This is all they have.
    1 point
  20. I believe it's actually him. These people are lunatics
    1 point
  21. There's..........no alien races? Only humans in this universe?
    1 point
  22. 85 hours it took me. I think only 5 hours of that time was MEH parts to me. The other 80 was SLAPPIN. I was so invested in this game. Fucking masterpiece.
    1 point
  23. TweeterPower still has his feelings hurt from Sonys Phase 2 being a Phailure
    1 point
  24. And i just got an email saying my new PC will be here TUESDAY and not the 19th like originally expected. I also got 170 DELL DOLLARS so im not sure what even to buy as they dont have much stuff i need. Might get an Xbox controller and a keyboard or something idk.
    1 point
  25. They shut down xbox. Its going to happen soon. You guys have been saying it for 20 years now so its gotta be right around the corner.
    1 point
  26. WALK around.........because they can't get vehicles or aircraft to work in this game. That's why you can't even fly away from the planet in real-time. If there was a barren wasteland, and there was a major ship upgrade to deploy a space rover Jeep.........I would absolutely want to ATV around a barren wasteland and hunt for loot (assuming they actually bothered to make some sort of mining scanning gameplay mechanic, which appears that they didn't).
    1 point
  27. And you can actually make space travel have interesting gameplay mechanics. Make it about RESOURCE management. You have to go to warp in order to GO to another solar system, therefore you need X-amount of fuel, x-amount of provisions, or materials. Let's say you mess up and you don't have enough to reach a particular solar system, you jump out of warp and then read what is the closest thing to you, maybe you find another ship. Hail the ship to trade for resources. Or attack them. or you get attacked by space pirates. Or, you find the nearest spac
    1 point
  28. That's my point, it's super barebones so why even put it in the game? At least make it good or just don't bother at all and just make it all a big cutscene to travel to another planet For a RPG set in space and being called "STARFIELD" the new IP from beth after so many years I'd expect and wish for actual SPACE EXPLORATION. It doesn't have to be the scale of scam citizen in that regard (like the nerdy accuracy) but just making a little hub, with a space skin, some space ship combat and then choosing a destination in a menu to fast travel is a com
    1 point
  29. this game got delayed for a year because they admitted "it needed polishing" They polished............the first 20 hours. It took them a year. You think they're gonna polish the back 40 hours? In a week?
    1 point
  30. Oh man, lemmings are now trying to lie to us about the stuff they clearly said about this game. This is so pathetic. It gets even more pathetic when you realize that every barren planet you visit has the same type of rock formations. The dirt and sky is just different colors. No Man's Sky at least had planets with grass.
    1 point
  31. https://insider-gaming.com/playstation-horror-siren/ Would be cool.
    1 point
  32. Good Lord Todd said this was the game he dreamt of making but these faces are more likely to give people nightmares.
    1 point
  33. I'm getting it in 3 days when I come back from my vacation on PS5.
    1 point
  34. I'll torrent it but it sucks that the main quest is kinda mediocre. Then again it was pretty mediocre in Fallout 4 too.
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Thats because you're a dumb fucking fanboy who has been trained like a dog by ms to enjoy miserable 7 and under flops
    1 point
  37. PlayStation hasn't even been relevant since 2008, bud.
    1 point
  38. Holy shit at the grenade. That could have been a bad day.
    1 point
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