The real problem is stagnated wages, price gauging by corporations, for-profit healthcare, you tax money sent to fund a genocide, and rent is too damn high, and no one can afford to buy a home.
The corporate motherfuckers on top benefit from all this.
You being angry at trans people is exactly how they like it. Because you are distracted from solving the issues that would actually improve the lives of many working class people.
Their way of maintaining their dominance is by keeping people scared of an ‘other’.
Creatures of Ava (Cloud, Console, PC) - August 7
Crash Bandicoot: N. Sane Trilogy(Cloud, Console, PC) - August 8
Mafia: Definitive Edition (Cloud, Console, PC) - August 13
Not bad. GP has been pretty good lately
That Creatures of Ava game is a day 1 release and it looks interesting. GS just gave it a 8
creatures of ava looks like a nice palette cleanser for later in the year. hinterberg definitely scratched my action-adventure itch, and possibly raised the bar too high. so, i need a break from this genre.
It's not, the problem is this season was all set up. Even worse it was only 8 eps Vs 10. So in a normal season this would have been one of the best penultimate episodes of any GOT season for either show... It was edging for next season.
I liked the season, but it felt short and that sucks because outside of a couple of scenes, the entire season was designed just to set up another season. I feel like they should have given the audience more now.
Finished it. Its ah....its good, but very standard. The boss that ended the demo, i was like yep, seen this before and this is expected.
The game slaps so much shit on you in the beginning. It seems like it can become pretty deep and the combat is fast and fun. Side quests were very old JRPG side quests.
Some annoying things - when you jump it kind of slows you down. The knockbacks are annoying. To you and to enemies. No quick dismount and the mount takes too long. You cannot double jump or dash in the city. The mini map feels like it updates at 30fps. Looks very choppy
Including people that exist in the real world in games that are aimed at adults is not indoctrination. That's just you being a snowflake. You seem mad at the free market and free speech.
Actual examples of trying to indoctrinate kids by the actual government,
How will Louisiana's Ten Commandments classroom requirement be funded and enforced? : NPR
Oklahoma schools in revolt over mandate to teach the Bible (
Why PragerU is trying to get its videos into schools : NPR
This new found and manufactured LGBQT outrage is loony. The creepy real
I mean who really cares? Trans people exist so obviously they would be in video games at some point .
Why are you so anti inclusive?
I bet you couldn't name 5 games with Trans characters without using google.
If people want to teach their kids to be hateful they still have that option as well.