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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2024-08-07 in all areas

  1. Capcom Summer 2024 (pay what you want and help charity) (humblebundle.com) -Ghost Trick Phantom Detective -The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles -Capcom Fighting Collection -Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy -Capcom Beat 'Em Up Bundle -Dead Rising 2 + OTR + 3 + 4 -Street Fighter V - Champion Edition -Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection -Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Great deal
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. whats your main goal and side quests
    1 point
  5. Looking forward to playing the best version of GTA6 at launch as well as the first party games Sony will be releasing in 2025 and beyond on my PS5 Pro. Trying to imagine how amazing ND's next projects, Sony Santa Monica's next game from Cory Barlog or Ghost of Tsushima 2 will look on the PS5 Pro and I'm already drooling. My PSVR2 games like GT7 will also look better than they already do now .... TLHBFR!!!! Xbox is about to become even more obsolete than it already is right now. The Series X was already getting destroyed by the regular PS5 in multiplats (a
    1 point
  6. Real talk Microsoft didn't get into VR because they got into AR. But we have more chance of playing Rockstars the Agent. "MS 2 smart guiz" - Remedial
    1 point
  7. i lost a younger sibling to cancer, so yes, aging is a privilege.
    1 point
  8. Someone I know met the Japanese actress from the boys. She is so wow irl.
    1 point
  9. shiiiii his art blew up. i won't disclose details, but i've worked with holyax on several projects.
    1 point
  10. What's mad is I still think of GD as a handsome 30 something Roger Federer looking mofo and here he is waiting for a free old man bus pass. Where the fuck did the time go.
    1 point
  11. Lmao at Remedial thinking it was Microsoft's smooth business acumen and understanding of the gaming landscape that stopped them from getting into VR. That argument may hold water if they weren't the company that catastrophically misjudged the One X launch and has followed it with hot garbage that no one has bought. Here we are ten years later and they think they're going to pull a spiritual switch's successor out of their asses and magically climb out of the bargain bin. The company that promised a 12TF monster that is currently often beaten by a supposedly inferior machine. The com
    1 point
  12. So you’re saying PSVR and PSVR2 don’t exist?
    1 point
  13. Might as well wait for season 4. They just announced 4 will be the last.
    1 point
  14. holyax i'm doing pretty well. my family and i made a lot of money from the covid real estate boom. as for "work" work, i still work in tv news, but i've been doing digital marketing on the side (copy writing). i'm currently learning paid marketing, as well, and i hope to quit tv news. for fun, i've been doing photography, but i have done a few paid gigs that were up my alley. i got into video editing movies, but the corporate aspect was demotivating. also, i prefer short form editing over long form. tbh, my passion for editing (in general) is
    1 point
  15. Damn cows are still port begging because Sony ain’t making games anymore
    1 point
  16. Its a shit 6/10 at best watch lemmings damage crontrol at their best it will makes its way to PS5 and Switch 2.
    1 point
  17. PlayStation Portal copycat. Microsoft is always behind. They were supposed to have VR that didn’t happen and this won’t happen either.
    1 point
  18. Right. Just a few years and some change ago it was a different story. 12TF blah blah blah
    1 point
  19. Trans issues don't even fall within 1% Most important voter issues U.S. 2024 | Statista People don't care. That's a fact. The only people obsessing over this are the same people who most jerk off to trans porn. Republicans.
    1 point
  20. Yeah an M rated game designed for 17+ is really indoctrinating children. You’re just another snowflake who complains that people are different.
    1 point
  21. Keep making retarded threads about trans people, and how videogames are to blame? You're an adult man and can't think of outside influences other than videogames?
    1 point
  22. Sucks dick. Ive more or less loved and strived my whole life off of sports, running, biking, hiking, etc. my whole life until i threw my back out and got a herniated disc a few years ago. Now i just feel myself aging dramatically like nature is making up for lost time. I did switch to first shift in the last few years and i gotta add waking up to an alarm clock when youre someone who has a difficult time falling asleep is pretty garbage health wise. Things could be worse though.
    0 points
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