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Showing content with the highest reputation since 2010-06-15 in all areas

  1. (Play this track and then slowly scroll down)
    13 points
  2. Shut the fuck up, and make a non 14 year old incel level thread. The bar for SW threads is so low, yet you can't even manage that.
    13 points
  3. Guess there's hope for you, if you want to get into the games industry. You get virtually raped here, almost every single day.
    12 points
  4. More than it's actual score
    11 points
  5. Hey @Cookester15can you give jehurey a posting limit like jimbo?
    11 points
  6. Have any of you seen this individual? Last known location: Attending the Playstation Showcase Livestream Been missing since: The afternoon of May 24th, 2023 Potentially Suicidal: ✓ If you know where FIRECOWARD is, please contact us at 1-775-TCH-BFAR (long distance charges may apply) @FIREPOWER Please just come home. We miss you! We're sure Playstation will have another Showcase towards the end of the year!!
    10 points
  7. only games and/or entertainment. if you don't like it, leave. i don't give a fuck.
    10 points
  8. "I like Ghostz's posts, he's just so darn clever", a sentence that's been said by nobody. Ever. Work out, get buff, land chicks based on your vitality, gotta compensate for that nauseating personality. 'Locked in your room, arguing online' ha that's rich, you spend more time with Jehurey than you do with your Switch. You say its the best and Nintendo bangers are the reasons, hard to agree when they come around less often than new seasons. I'd drop another 8 bars and embarrass your confused buddy Kokujin, but it only takes two to remind everybody tha
    10 points
  9. Well it's a fitting design for the DoneX, that's for sure.
    10 points
  10. The year is 2056. Switch's run of ever increasing annual sales has finally come to an end as the Switch posts a disappointing YOY drop of -3%. Alone in a darkened room sits a server hosting what use to be a lively community of forumites arguing over video games. Now those forumites have long since moved on from the community and the server begins each day awaiting new requests, but no requests are ever made and the server remains idle. Today is different, though. For the first time in decades a request to create a new thread is sent to the server. The hardware kicks int
    10 points
  11. 10 points
  12. They should sell it as gamer girl bathwater and kill all the weebs
    10 points
  13. "...And what about the other lemmings?"
    10 points
  14. Use this thread to mourn the loss of $500 wasted on the PS4's Pro's shadow, A.K.A the Xboner X. "It's a monster", indeed. Let's put this monster out of it's hideous, deformed, fauxK, no-exclusives having misery. Ladies and gentlemen, the biggest lie ever told: Xboner X: Launch Lineup: The World's Most Powerful Console: PS4 Pro: XBoner X: "The Biggest Games Play Better on Xbox One X": Ace Combat 7 Monster Hunter: World Resident Evil 2
    10 points
  15. meanwhile, xbox exclusives run at 0K
    10 points
  16. My dog is all grown up
    9 points
  17. I was walking through the local game store when I saw a pretty young lady, dressed in jeans, a red jacket and a t-shirt branded with the PlayStation logo. She was stood by herself looking bemused at the Xbox games on display. Feeling like this was a good opening, I asked if she was looking for anything specific. She replied to me "I'm looking for an AAA exclusive released within the past 8 years". I burst out into laughter, she burst out laughing too, we laughed Risitas style in the middle of the store obvlivious to all around us. We had instant rapport afte
    9 points
  18. Damn hopefully its not as empty and boring as BOTWs world
    9 points
  19. They did say it was the quietest Xbox yet. So quiet no one noticed it’s release
    9 points
  20. Why are you so obsessed? Did you get locked into a lease with it or what?
    9 points
  21. Gabe Newell also leads a non-gaming studio so it makes sense.
    9 points
  22. Meanwhile MS payed $50 million to some homo (sapien ) with blue hair to stream for a year on their now failed streaming platform.
    9 points
  23. #3 Breath of the Wild Fujibayashi: “I have the perfect idea for a new Zelda game: open world.” Miyamoto: “Oh, like Skyrim. That game is very popular.” Fujibayashi: “Like that game, but a little bit different. The open world is empty.” Miyamoto: “Empty? Surely there would be interesting landmarks, quests, rewards, and other fun things to do or provide reason to explore?” Fujibayashi: “Nope. None.” Miyamoto: “I think you’re being a bit ridiculous. You need something.” Fujibayashi: “Okay, fine. I’ll put a pond shaped like a heart on a mountain and everybo
    9 points
  24. It wasn't the lack of exclusives... It wasn't the studio acquisitions that were flops... It wasn't the studios who still made multiplats... It was a child off screen calling me a fascist and making gun noises... Fuck you Microsoft. Sincerely, A Fanboy.
    9 points
  25. 9 points
  26. This will be my final transmission. We are sinking, get out now while you still have a chance. We are sinking and we've hit the mother of all icebergs, we've lost all our cargo. Inclusiveness and diversity is seeping in at an unstoppable rate, toxic masculinity is being erased from our deck. Our speakers are no longer able to transmit profanities and taunt rival ships. The parasitic shell creatures weakened our engine. The Philistine rats ate through our foundation, repair is impossible. We're going down and there is no going back. I will proceed with the
    9 points
  27. Xbox flopped, its time to move on
    9 points
  28. I should get that printed on a roll of toilet paper. Fucking awful.
    9 points
  29. Well now they've released it and there is still no game so I guess it's no surprise there wasn't one at the announcement either
    8 points
  30. 8 points
  31. Well the clock is running out for the Xbox brand, so it’s fitting they would be interested in something named tiktok.
    8 points
  32. Here's your $800 console bro.
    8 points
  33. Boom. That cover's the Ori sequel and the Forza Horizon 4 DLC pack. You're set for the next 10 months of exclusive Xbox gaming.
    8 points
  34. Everyday I fall in love with this thing even more. this is the modern day dreamcast USB hub for up to 4 attachments and charging constantly while in table top mode. Going to use the keyboard for talking shit in MonHun and Blazblue Cross Tag. Also nice to have a Japanese keyboard in the house now. Japanese ingenuity
    8 points
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