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System Warrior
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Everything posted by zwarrior.

  1. why is REDE even posting here, he's got no picture to show. Uz a looza
  2. Yet it's ok to get a Zelda tattoo, amiright? If I got that tattoo it would definitely be because zelda is the best game ever, I wouldn't fake being modest and be like no I dont think it's a better game than your game
  3. well you must be pretty interested in lions if you'd go as far as getting a tat of them. There's no way you don't think there's a cool or great aspect to the subject of the tattoo you're getting, like i said, being in denial just admit you think you're hot shit for being edge
  4. hai gaiz, I love PBR so Im gonna get a giant tat of that can. Im not saying Im a douche who thinks its the best beer ever or anything, not at all
  5. you got that tattoo just to show it off. fact. To whom? To those who do smoke/drink sort of sticking your finger to them, but they dont care. so congrats, you're permanently marked by something noone else except other pretentious straight edge weirdos, gives a shit about I don't know where you get this superiority complex I supposedly have from. I really feel like you're just insecure about something. pretending getting a XXX tattoo is not a display of superiority complex, now you're just being in denial I don't know if you got beat up by an Edge kid or something but I really don't know w
  6. right. makes perfect sense. using middle school insults again, so should Ido the same? I know you are but what am I?
  7. What is there to be insecure about, if i dress up as a tranny you really think i give a fuck?
  8. you got that tattoo just to show it off. fact. To whom? To those who do smoke/drink sort of sticking your finger to them, but they dont care. so congrats, you're permanently marked by something noone else except other pretentious straight edge weirdos, gives a shit about I don't know where you get this superiority complex I supposedly have from. I really feel like you're just insecure about something. pretending getting a XXX tattoo is not a display of superiority complex, now you're just being in denial
  9. you got that tattoo just to show it off. fact. To whom? To those who do smoke/drink sort of sticking your finger to them, but they dont care. so congrats, you're permanently marked by something noone else except other pretentious straight edge weirdos, gives a shit about You honestly think he doesn't have friends that drink and smoke?, I mean I don't know the kid but that assumption is pretty dumb. pretty safe to say
  10. DT should probably figure out how to stop quoting 3 posts at once on his tapatalk before calling anyone else an idiot. Are you on SW while clubbing again?
  11. you got that tattoo just to show it off. fact. To whom? To those who do smoke/drink sort of sticking your finger to them, but they dont care. so congrats, you're permanently marked by something noone else except other pretentious straight edge weirdos, gives a shit about
  12. I was baiting, I didnt actually get it and even if I did, would still be better than giant X's
  13. lmao comparing it to a christian tattoo... bad example, people who get the cross tattoo usually dont even follow the bible all too well. They only get it, not because they necessarily care, but because they are shallow and would like others to believe they care. What I don't get is the point behind it, why get a giant shitty tattoo of something you could just say verbally. nooo, you have to get XXX shirt, and do the X sign, or worst get tat'd up because you get made fun of so much you want to show people you don't care by expressing it even more. But you do care, those people are affecting yo
  14. so because I smoke maybe I should get a huge ass tattoo saying I smoke, you know just in case noone knows for sure. I HAVE to tell people "hey I smoke" LMAO DT getting all defensive and afraid because I owned Alphonse, roff so does that mean you're never posting your pic ever, because you're afraid of me and what i might do? FEAR me pleb
  15. seriously, worst than the Grinch and Scrooge combined. But back to halo being straight-edge and thinking he's so cool to the point of getting a huge ass tattoo...... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA is halo Barto??
  16. no instead we'd be more like you wearing earrings, forcing dogs to become vegiterian, and well I dont need to repeat, you know your own depressing life story
  17. yet we still have more confidence to post our pics :D shows how much your opinion matters, but you're so scared of us you cant show your face
  18. TPH and DT scrutinizing your picture down to every pixel. You have devoted groupies low
  19. wtf sick halloween costume

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