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System Warrior
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Everything posted by zwarrior.

  1. Oooooo shit, thnks for the idea, I was just going to be a guy with blue hair for halloween, I'll just say I'm him
  2. I ended up just redying it blue, but some people think its green. I've gotten some interesting reactions from people so far.
  3. well this happened its fucking blotches of blonde and green now. I look like a fucking bum, had to wear a hat all night, and tomorrow I have a hot date, don't see how I can wear a hat during sex, and I refuse to shave Spoiler
  4. if you look closely, they are at different angles, while one is being flexed Tomwarrior is just looking for some more pics. in that case sense it worked, hey DT your nose looks huge compared to your pea brain, prove me wrong
  5. brownwalrus, your right arm looks huge compared to your left one
  6. true, wasn't sure about the purple, done Yeah, you're not over compensating or anything to cover up the shame and self hate. yeah... you used that same line on Cooke about his truck, can you try to be more original Yeah, because that's something that's exclusive to one person. Yeah... when you use it on multiple people a lot, you should think of who is really the insecure one
  7. its my third time and your right, after this it's going to be purple then silver
  8. seriously btw what do you think of the new do? honest opinion Yeah, you're not over compensating or anything to cover up the shame and self hate. yeah... you used that same line on Cooke about his truck, can you try to be more original
  9. low self esteem? nigga Im not the one afraid to post my pizza face, lmao at calling people like me who do what they want "low self esteem" dt logic. I suppose people who act like what they think society wants them to act have the highest self esteem then you wish you could be as ballsy as I am
  10. I'm the only one who truly does not care what niggas think, I do what I want while all y'all are still trying to fit in to society's acceptable image while at the same time bragging "o we're nerds, we don't care wut people think hurt durr " meh, I prefer marlboro 27s, but they sell the camels for $6 where I stay in NJ while in NY its 13
  11. reality shows are minstrel shows, you calling my lifestyle a bizzaro circus freak show, punk?
  12. if you see a black guy with blue hair and blue fingers around zuccoti park (occupy wall street) come say hi Spoiler
  13. coming from the guy who joins in the anorexic jokes, gtfo
  14. "I don't care what people think", the biggest contradictory line that only people who don't think about it usually spew. the "i don't care" attitude is exactly the image you care about and want people to think on a different note, why do people even post pics itt. Has there ever been one person who posted a pic and didn't get shit for it
  15. its always refreshing when people with poor fashion and lifestyle tastes claim to be happy and settle in their mediocrity
  16. richard simmons is comfortable and enjoying his tastes too
  17. the absurdity of it never gets old calling those uncle ruckus's out one nigga at a time
  18. and as I was about to make fun of you for shopping at urban outfitters, I just saw and bought this pimp ass shirt from that site
  19. proving my point post after post you're not straight edge anymore? welcome to the normal side of life
  20. its not just about comics but comics are its main subject. Going there when you're the least interested in comics is like going to E3 when you don't even play or read about video games. i.e. a POSER. kid proves my point, and you're still defending him, this espanol nigga
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