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System Warrior
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Everything posted by zwarrior.

  1. thanks for proving my point posing ass nigga btw barto, that hat doesn't work on you, not trolling it looks like a swimming cap
  2. when have you ever cared about comics? you barely even play video games yet you're here. You're a huge poser nigga "hai gaiz I go to comicon even though i wouldn't have if it wasn't popular, am I cool gaiz, do I fit in noaw " o tell me dear fellow comic book reader, what are your favorite comics? who are your favorite contemporary comic artists? go ahead and start googling
  3. Don't you hate it when you're forced to read shit on the internet? Goddamit I would just want to rage and complain too
  4. What? I didn't say stop being yourselves, I said "being a geek/nerd is cool these days" is not something you would want to be proud of. Because the "cool" factor of it is a sarcastic/poser fad. As DT, my personal stenographer, mentioned, I used to go to comicon, I didn't stop because "they are copying me", I stopped because they took over. The obvious difference between a poser and an actual nerd is the poser doesn't know shit, he just wants to mimic the image in a shallow way, and when literally 9 out of the 10 people you run into are all posers who don't know what they're doing here other th
  5. exactly why y'all niggas should stop being geeks You;ve become a stereotype that the mainstream ate up and copies, just like hipsters, hip hop, rock culture etc. Mainstream pop culture is very sadistic and almost everything is done sarcastically. Everything is a fad worth jumping the bandwagon for, imitate the absurdity and once that image is completely tarnished and turned into a gimmick, they move on to the next fad. Can anyone wear "hip hop" clothes without feeling like they're poser wiggers (or n if u black)? In the 90s it was also "cool these days". Soon enough (and to me it's already pr
  6. If anything DT would probably be like The situation and knock himself out (if u watch jersey shore)
  7. Uncle ruckus keeping tabs on me, hey when's that zwarrior biography coming out? I'd love to read it, why keep a journal when I got niggas doing it for me
  8. Whatever helps you sleep at night bro. I laugh myself to sleep all the time thanking of all the butthurt people I've owned haven't you posted pics of yourself at some nintendo event? nintendo =/= nerdicon
  9. Imagining you saying this with your british accent is highlarious
  10. "Dope shit"? look at this nigga here trying to sound cool after admitting to go to a nerdfest If there were any hot girls there, rest assured they were getting payed
  11. dammit, incompetent sniper shot the wrong guy, will want my money back
  12. ^clearly high and angel has officially crossed the enemy line, this means war
  13. this thread should be appropriately renamed "come release your daily frustrations on sw members thread"
  14. I don't even care to google the translation to those, too nerdy and pathetic
  15. time out, time out, time out. Did anyone stop for a sec and realize what a huge pathetic nerd Rede is? seriously dude? no wonder girls run away from you and turn lez
  16. #1... clearly not "the black", misleading name #3 cute kid nice pic, what camera? Zero, they're cute if you're just visiting, when you have to put up with their crying at 2-3am and change their diapers, the cuteness wears off during those moments fast. I don't have a baby but am a godfather to my sister's.
  17. Koreans and the japanese are relatively normal height or tall, its the chinese and most from south asian countries that are generally short. I'm 5'11 And yes I do have a gf, I don't see the problem. Now that I'm skinny women trow themselves at me,even those who I've been friends for years all the sudden are more flirty. its amazing how truly shallow people are. I'm gonna lead them on and never sleep with them, but the asian girl was an exemption, never been with one and my gf is an artist, she doesn't think conservatively when it comes to relationships and neither do I. Its an open relation
  18. ga, ur right, the pants I wore are from korea size 29 and still considered XL over there =======
  19. stop trolling me, I don't buy your sarcasm anymore anyway, gonna get me some azn poon, g2g
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