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System Warrior
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Everything posted by zwarrior.

  1. I forgot to add to the list of how to be black, when lost for words and need to damage control, reply with "Lol @ this ___________" and feel in the blank with any trite adjective you come up with at the time
  2. I woke up and reread my post, goddamn the ownage I can't blame the damage control responses
  3. This thread convinced me that I must change my ways. LowTCP, follow me on this impending journey so we can both learn to act Black and submissively unburden ourselves from being called an uncle tom by the prime representations of what black people are, on systemwars.com (and also by the non-blacks who clearly know what black people ought to be like after watching BET.) The first step is to remove any notion of whiteness or asianess that might be instilled in us. Since the whole "act your race" thing is just based on stereotypes, which are of course true and the scientific base for 'act/stick
  4. Hint, being black is just that, being physically black. Being forced into a culture because you are a certain race is a bullshit propaganda to control people. Segregating people by culture because of their race is actually racist ;) btw you drink tea and spend your day reviewing shower curtains, that is so unblack of you.
  5. urbandictionary got it right. People who use the term don't know what they're talking about. They're not educated on the matter, but they hear the expression on the street and continue to misuse it, unbeknownst to them that they make themselves look like utter fools. I don't care to point it out, but since they are trying to pass it unto you Truno, thought you should know where it really came from before mimicking its misuse. Dont think too hard about it, DT and piratebutt call me an "uncle tom" because they are black and think therefore I should bow down to my "brothaz" (and Alhponse,
  6. That is a boss photo Truno whoever calls me zoreo are calling me a delicious cookie, they want to eat my asshole, those faggots
  7. havent done crack or own a ant farm, if you gonna try to make fun of me, at least stick to the truth like I do, it makes it that much funny. Like calling you straight edge is pathetically funny enough, I don't have to make up shit. You having giant X tattoos tops it off. Maybe when you're old and your skin sags, your x will change shape and people wont point and laugh behind you're back anymore. muahahahaha (cool shot jimbo)
  8. muahahahaha we don't need to go over this again really, pretty sure the gang rape in the other thread yesterday was enough
  9. or I found it in the old photo album in the Hall of Shame section. Believe me if I had a folder of every user photo, yours would be the first posted here since you don't have the balls to do it lmao at you panicking at the thought though, you really don't want anyone to expose you
  10. this place just broke into a fight for absolutely no reason Snakey go back to the way you looked in the old album, lose the weight and you will be boss.
  11. traitor and TF2 sucks ass. it's not noob friendly at all.
  12. oooo I loved the carver, after season 3 then. I completely forgot about it.... My brother was him for halloween
  13. Both acquitted. It's up to individuals to decide whether they should continue to support someone after trials like that. ok judge judy, no one cares about rational thinking. get out.
  14. michael jackson didn't do it. Kids' parents were just after his money. Big difference between murderers and a guy who never mentally grew up.
  15. wut. how does that change that he killed someone. You can't take a picture with him after that and pretend you're only a fan of the football player, not the serial killer (and probably rapist). They're the same person.
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