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System Warrior
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Everything posted by zwarrior.

  1. you mean shame on her for enjoying her celebrity that's based on her daughter being dead.
  2. well well well nice bait, could've been extended more with a story to go with that pic. It's really believable, i mean you're both in Florida. on a serious note, I don't hate her like a lot of people do, but if she started taking pictures smiling with fans irl, that would be really low. OJ did that.
  3. beats your eminem wannabe dialect yo yo yo B jump on teh boat *obnoxious laugh*
  4. people should pay me for my analysis, I'm enlightening sw for free, you should be grateful.
  5. if its real, I'd understand her smiling at the court since she didnt get a death penalty, but smiling taking pictures with people, now that's fucked up. Regardless if she did it or not, she should understand her 15 minutes are based on her dead mother. cool pic tho
  6. I don't know what's worst, Christian Rock fans or straight edge kids
  7. the thread got gay when yall started sending each other smiley faces :-)8=====D O-:
  8. no seriously how do you do that, taking screenshots from facebook and crossing out people's names and profile pics is annoying. robo looks like the male version of octomom
  9. how do you get your screenshot to say "FB user" instead of people's names?
  10. Along with Tori Spelling, she's starring in the new Jaws movie. :cool: rofl
  11. I see what you did there zerofaze. now that I have a camera, my dream Rocky Horror photochoot can become a reality (jk) Goddess Angel
  12. playing with the Canon 7D. its a great camera, since last year I transitioned to my film camera because I liked the charming "90's nostalgia" effect the prints have, but the 7D may drag me back to digital (I mean that as a hobbyist, i don't know squat about cameras.) This is in my infamous basement, its finished and no longer a cave so there are no more ants ;-(
  13. 10 people baited with just one sentence. yeah I still got it, baller fo sho'
  14. lmao, awesome photosshop.. i'd +rep you, but any kind of rep i give turns out negative rep, some mod hijacked my shit
  15. dont u both go to the same school? lmao going to school in florida
  16. Swing and a miss. yours was so much worst. "buh buh in ur gf's mind ;("
  17. DT, my girlfriend is your mom, her thinking of you... kinda grossing me out, Im gonna have to let her go jimbo, for some reason when I saw the house I thought "Indiana Jones". It has this tropical feel to it, looks cozy and spiffy. lighted pretty well too. prettty prettttttyy gooodd
  18. Oh shut up faggot. You're always white knighting and shit. where's your picture?
  19. rede your judging someone's pic, you now have to post yours or gtfo
  20. you think community is funny, but not bored to death... your sense of humor is broken
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