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System Warrior
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Everything posted by zwarrior.

  1. TPH, REDE, and mike are the 3 biggest douchebag assholes in sw, no surprise.
  2. he gets angry because he can never be as bad ass cool pic
  3. hey fuckstick, I started watching bored to death and I finally get your avy/sig combo, its an awesome fucking show
  4. which is ironic because the first half of your sentence reeks of pretentiousness. Going to events that hipsters go to is not only pretentious, but extremely so? That makes no sense. Kid you throw the word around so often I think you've lost the meaning of the word. you challenging what I said is pretentious.
  5. u guys ever ask yourself what's the point of arguing here?
  6. lets gay up this thread some more so REDE can finally leave since he wont post a pic anyway
  7. Im staying in NY for the first time ever for christmas and new years no longer a tourist
  8. That's because you realized after that the entire time you were jerking off to the cock, faggot
  9. >:O (would be trannywarrior if it wasnt for the whole bear thing ;[ )
  10. hipster chick, somewhat a blog celebrity. photographer, but completely forgot her name
  11. i go to an art school, people dress like its halloween everyday here so i dunno i dont think its banned yet, I'll try the lemon one soon enough, that's the one my friend told me i should've gotten
  12. I've never drinked 4loko but when I heard its getting banned in NY I wanted to try it before that happened and I tried the fruit punch one I think? Literally the worst drank i ever tasted usually I can force myself to drink shitty tasting drinks just for the sake of being drunk, but I trew that shit out if that's for halloween, pretty cool. If not, that's way too much lol
  13. which is ironic because the first half of your sentence reeks of pretentiousness.
  14. ^no surprise that you would make chicks want to quit men overall
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