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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Barto

  1. Which one are you and you cant possibly go to one of these things completely soberwhy is there only like 10 people near the stage and then everyone else is a mile away I'm yelling into the mic. Plenty of people if not most go sober. There's a big gap because that's where people are moshing and there would be more people up front but this band in particular is fairly new. So not many people know the words to their songs.
  2. lmao at the thought of removing the cushion of delayed responses the internet provides out of the equation and having an actual face-to-face discussion with zwarrior. He's probably worse IRL. God how is that even possible? you're probably right, I rather now imagine that though.
  3. I hope you aren't as insufferable in real life as you are on this forum.
  4. Some people wear crosses as an accessory and some wear it as a way to show their faith. They chose to do so they could better aid in representing who they are. My tattoo is on my shin and I primarily wear pants. In uniform they're not visible and I happen to be wearing shorts because it's the summer. So it's not like I go around with shorts at all times letting people know I'm straight edge, most people don't even know what Straight Edge is or the significance of the three x's symbol let alone putting the two together. I don't understand why you have a hard on for me and the way I li
  5. Why would I regret it? you can't possibly still be straight edge why wouldnt I be? Because you're grown up now kiddo, time to participate in what the big boys are doing So the adult thing to do is drink alcohol, smoke, or use drugs but the choice to abstain from those things is childish? I don't get it. I'm not even remotely interested in any of those things. I like the way I live and I don't think I'm better than those who choose to drink and what not; it's simply just not for me. I hope that clears things up for you.
  6. Why would I regret it? you can't possibly still be straight edge why wouldnt I be?
  7. the ones up here in nor cal are just as bad Sike nigga. bunch of low tier illipinas bruh. not sike
  8. you have to meet the right kind I have been surrounded them most of my life, there are very few of them that i'd say I was attracted to, plus the way they age. I feel bad for them.
  9. Crashed it, thats why we're in the woods. Lol wutI'm not on AC-130s, I'm on C-17s. But that was during Survival training and our scenario was that we crash landed.
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