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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Barto

  1. Whats funny is that im not being condescending at all. I have yet to judge anyone in this thread and rather I am the one being judged; I've not once said I was better than anyone - i've shown to be very okay with OTHER people doing what they want do. Please get your head out of your ass.You seem to have a mightier-than-thou attitude about abstaining from drugs. I'm not the only one who gets that from you.\ What got me was when you said, "How many people do you know that don't smoke or drink?" Like it's an accomplishment. Being straight edge is no more an accomplishment than being a user. Yo
  2. Whats funny is that im not being condescending at all. I have yet to judge anyone in this thread and rather I am the one being judged; I've not once said I was better than anyone - i've shown to be very okay with OTHER people doing what they want do. Please get your head out of your ass.
  3. A buddy of mine has a Straight edge tat the only difference is his looks good. We all know you'll never admit you ruined your leg, it's permanent. I still fail to see why mine "looks bad" - it's work in progress the three x's are line up perfectly the lines are straight, no crooks or errors on em.Just a big ugly tat breh, it's technically well done it just looks stupid. Least it's on a concealable spot. oh, gotcha.
  4. A buddy of mine has a Straight edge tat the only difference is his looks good. We all know you'll never admit you ruined your leg, it's permanent. I still fail to see why mine "looks bad" - it's work in progress the three x's are line up perfectly the lines are straight, no crooks or errors on em.
  5. I've never seen so much crying about one thing in a single thread from so many different people. :lol:
  6. Alcohol: Impairment of the mind (being drunk) Dementia Cancer Vitamin D deficiency which would result in Osteoporosis. Reduced metabolism If you read I said Marijuana is one of the few cases where a drug isn't really bad; unless abused.
  7. You can make minute cases where something like Marijuana isn't bad for you, but then you'd be grasping for straws. The cons of alcohol heavily outweigh the very few pros associated to it. Because you don't agree with my opinion doesn't make it an ignorant one. You don't even know this group, so stop being a hypocrite. That is by far one of the dumbest statements I've read yet.
  8. I love when ignorant people call other people ignorant.
  9. Except it's everyone else bitching about it, and me providing answers to questions they ask.
  10. Well you wrote this whole paragraph about bullshit and didn't answer the simple question of "why do you feel like you've made a special commitment if it's just something you decided you don't want to try?" You never say hey I don't do these things because they are bad. Which I guess ties in to what REED is saying. I answered your original question, if by me being edge does it mean I don't use medication and if I listen to what the gov't deems as bad. If you want an answer to that question it would be that in High School it's such a normal thing to drink, smoke, use drugs - I was the
  11. Well you wrote this whole paragraph about bullshit and didn't answer the simple question of "why do you feel like you've made a special commitment if it's just something you decided you don't want to try?" You never say hey I don't do these things because they are bad. Which I guess ties in to what REED is saying. I answered your original question, if by me being edge does it mean I don't use medication and if I listen to what the gov't deems as bad. If you want an answer to that question it would be that in High School it's such a normal thing to drink, smoke, use drugs - I was the only
  12. And I quote "What I said was I don't give a shit if other people do it" Yes you do What are you 8? HAHA YEAH YOU DO!
  13. And I quote "What I said was I don't give a shit if other people do it"
  14. Basically this is going no where because I'm literally dealing with two dense morons.
  15. You do realize that you summed up my opinion and then asked me to create an opinion?
  16. you got that tattoo just to show it off. fact. To whom? To those who do smoke/drink sort of sticking your finger to them, but they dont care. so congrats, you're permanently marked by something noone else except other pretentious straight edge weirdos, gives a shit about I don't know where you get this superiority complex I supposedly have from. I really feel like you're just insecure about something. pretending getting a XXX tattoo is not a display of superiority complex, now you're just being in denial I don't know if you got beat up by an Edge kid or something but I really don't know w
  17. you got that tattoo just to show it off. fact. To whom? To those who do smoke/drink sort of sticking your finger to them, but they dont care. so congrats, you're permanently marked by something noone else except other pretentious straight edge weirdos, gives a shit about I don't know where you get this superiority complex I supposedly have from. I really feel like you're just insecure about something. pretending getting a XXX tattoo is not a display of superiority complex, now you're just being in denial I don't know if you got beat up by an Edge kid or something but I really don't know w
  18. you got that tattoo just to show it off. fact. To whom? To those who do smoke/drink sort of sticking your finger to them, but they dont care. so congrats, you're permanently marked by something noone else except other pretentious straight edge weirdos, gives a shit about I don't know where you get this superiority complex I supposedly have from. I really feel like you're just insecure about something. pretending getting a XXX tattoo is not a display of superiority complex, now you're just being in denial I don't know if you got beat up by an Edge kid or something but I really don't know w
  19. Don't even bother anymore Remy, the guy has shown us very clearly that he is pathetic.
  20. A lion doesn't always have to be as simple as being just a Lion, that imagery can serve a more complex form of symbolism for the person with that branding. It could mean that they feel as though they have a "heart of a lion" or they're bold or it could be reflective of someone they knew or know and its dedicated to that person. You are taking things at face value.
  21. So if I got a tattoo of a Lion would I be claiming that Lions are the best animal ever? Please go back to school.
  22. you got that tattoo just to show it off. fact. To whom? To those who do smoke/drink sort of sticking your finger to them, but they dont care. so congrats, you're permanently marked by something noone else except other pretentious straight edge weirdos, gives a shit about I don't know where you get this superiority complex I supposedly have from. I really feel like you're just insecure about something. pretending getting a XXX tattoo is not a display of superiority complex, now you're just being in denial I don't know if you got beat up by an Edge kid or something but I really don't know w
  23. you got that tattoo just to show it off. fact. To whom? To those who do smoke/drink sort of sticking your finger to them, but they dont care. so congrats, you're permanently marked by something noone else except other pretentious straight edge weirdos, gives a shit about I don't know where you get this superiority complex I supposedly have from. I really feel like you're just insecure about something. pretending getting a XXX tattoo is not a display of superiority complex, now you're just being in denial I don't know if you got beat up by an Edge kid or something but I really don't know w
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