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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Barto

  1. Impressive weight loss Carver. Do you still go afk in the middle of matches to get chicken?
  2. I could probably grow a beard like that to even though i know what you look like, i always picture you as your avatar instead
  3. ASVAB wasn't that hard but I've been out of Higschool for two years and going through some of the questions and I'd catch myself thinking well shit, I don't remember jack shit about this. I know it took me a little bit to figure out the physics parts because I took physics as a highschool freshmen. I scored an 85, qualified for any job in any branch - but a lot of people probably don't score well because there are some random questions or the people who usually apply are usually never top of the class type students.
  4. I was originally going to go to the Navy, but my dad who is a retired Navy Chief pretty much convinced me to steer clear of the Navy. Thank you for the support. o_0 why? Because The Navy has been laying people off in bulk recently, they don't got their shit together, and they've been doing some shady crap like offering people 4-year contracts and then terminating the contract before the 4-years are even dealt with. So my two choices were to go and find something in either the Airforce or go to the Marines and be a Scout Sniper, my only thing is I'm one of two males who can keep my last
  5. I was originally going to go to the Navy, but my dad who is a retired Navy Chief pretty much convinced me to steer clear of the Navy. Thank you for the support.
  6. I don't do infantry grunt work though, I'm not really worried about some Guerilla tactic ass shit taking down a C17/AC130, because it's not. Yeah we all know that you are a pussy and thus signed up for the Air Force, but I don't know about you going straight to that. Also, what a pathetic person you are to undermine the very same tactic that is getting your compatriots killed. This mud-dweller.
  7. I don't do infantry grunt work though, I'm not really worried about some Guerilla tactic ass shit taking down a C17/AC130, because it's not.
  8. lol if you actually believe that come war time a couple of friends of mine thought the same thing, and still got fucked in the end... one of them already knew he was going to be put in a dangerous position no matter what, and just picked bridge engineer as a bogus job..and basically told his recruitment officer not to bullshit about him having a safe job because he didn't give a shit about being infantry/escort and what not. recruitment officer assured him that he would be in a safe location away from combat no matter what. they put him in infantry in a combat area the same
  9. With the job I have now I pretty much fly 3-5 days a week dropping off cargo. So I should be pretty safe.
  10. Bootcamp? Yeah I ship out tuesday. Aww :( What position you end up enlisting? USAF Loadmaster (Ac-130/C-17) but it can still change from what I know because they want me for Special Forces because I qualify but I can also possibly train to be a c-130 gunner Dude you just want to pwn nigs on the battlefield. Air Force Special Forces? Yeah pretty much but my goal is to have my swimming up to par within the next 6 years so I can cross train and become Pararescue / Sniper Please don't die in Iran in the next decade. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoti
  11. Bootcamp? Yeah I ship out tuesday. Aww :( What position you end up enlisting? USAF Loadmaster (Ac-130/C-17) but it can still change from what I know because they want me for Special Forces because I qualify but I can also possibly train to be a c-130 gunner Dude you just want to pwn nigs on the battlefield. Air Force Special Forces? Yeah pretty much but my goal is to have my swimming up to par within the next 6 years so I can cross train and become Pararescue / Sniper
  12. Bootcamp? Yeah I ship out tuesday. Aww :( What position you end up enlisting? USAF Loadmaster (Ac-130/C-17) but it can still change from what I know because they want me for Special Forces because I qualify but I can also possibly train to be a c-130 gunner
  13. So I'm gay and decided to bleach my hair before I go to bootcamp in 4 days. (ignore my gay ass room)
  14. Monolith better get their head out of their ass. They got to busy butchering F.E.A.R .
  15. Loved Condemned. Both games are excellent. I'll have to see about getting the second game, when ever I settle in after basic and tech school.
  16. So I just got around to playing Condemned (the first one) and it was pretty cool. I'm glad I only spent 4 bucks on it - it's kind of a short game. It was rather enjoyable, had some mixed feelings about some stuff with it but not bad. Anyone else enjoy it?
  17. Norway my ass, that full is a 909er ? I think he has you confused with that norwegian kid who is in the military or whatever, the dude who would post pictures of himself in like open areas with his guns and shit.
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