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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Barto

  1. That doesn't look right. I'm in the 140 range and I don't even look like that.
  2. no shit dumb ass, are we suppose to get younger through years? damn you're so fucking stupid
  3. I borrowed Oblivion from my brother. Doing stuff I never got around to when I originally had the game. Finished the Warriors Guild and Mage Guild quests, now I'm on the Thieves Guild quests. I thought I closed all the Oblivion Gates when I originally played but I'm finding a shit load of Gates that I didn't even know existed.
  4. if that's sm10, his intellect didn't develop at all, in fact looks like it got worst He's just trying to be incognito.
  5. Kid you have gone through a virtual rainbow of responses to my posts in this thread. You went from being a fake ass indifferent douchebag to being a corny sarcastic peon, to a grammar nazi, and now you resort to saying I'm trying to hard. The funny thing is, if you look at this little exchange of ours I've been the only one who has been consistant through out. Not only are you a bottom feeder but you also have some type of identity crisis going on. Listen kid, go practice on someone in your own class before you sep up to the plate against an A class poster such as myself. I've destroyed people
  6. I know the feeling of not having much facial hair. I just recently shaved my mustache. I honestly feel odd without it.
  7. This dude is such a try hard. :lol: Come on man, use more syntax please.
  8. Did this clown actually type out the word "sigh"? How can I take anyone serious who thinks one has to earn respect on a gaming board? I'd kill myself if I had to garner respect from kids who spend all their time arguing about video games and kulling all their information about the world from wikipedia. Grow up and get out of my face, bongo. Dam this dude is ruthless. Come on kid, you trying to be clever or sarcastic seems ackward. Give it up and go back to being the same ananamous poster you've been for years upon years. Even the ocean needs bottom feeders. You're gonna hurt that mound
  9. Did this clown actually type out the word "sigh"? How can I take anyone serious who thinks one has to earn respect on a gaming board? I'd kill myself if I had to garner respect from kids who spend all their time arguing about video games and kulling all their information about the world from wikipedia. Grow up and get out of my face, bongo. Dam this dude is ruthless.
  10. Expert advice from someone who I can pretty much guarantee is a virgin or a life long loner. This guy has about as much experience with women as he has spent time on mars. 0 If you ever look at me like that again I'll cut that staw you call a kneck from ear to flipping ear. Get out of mty face
  11. Might as well do what Sauce and Cleo recommend. Unless you really want to find out the story for yourself and you already have the game you can just cheat through the game - but you might as well save yourself the time and not try and get bad habits.
  12. I re-installed and beat SC2 today. I've been playing ToV again, trying to wrap up the achievements in that. I also might finish up the achievements for Borderlands that I have access to but doing all of the long versions of those Underdome levels is egh
  13. Expert advice from someone who I can pretty much guarantee is a virgin or a life long loner. This guy has about as much experience with women as he has spent time on mars. 0
  14. I got Assassin's Creed 2 on Monday. I beat it last night and then wrapped up the last few achievements today. 100%. I enjoyed it - people are to harsh on it. Though I will say I'm glad I only paid $20 for it. Now I can go back to trying to get the rest of these Forza 3 events done. Such a pain.
  15. ouch, you are one cold blooded mutha fucka you know that!
  16. You should get this instead: it's a facial exercise machine. lmao
  17. lmao white people shoes. She'd look better in some Forces nah forces would look weird, those pumas are sleek as fuck go well with her body type.
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