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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Barto

  1. But he's the only person that thinks that way. I only call him ztom/zoreo because his condescending attitude towards black people, and his mysterious lack of black friends despite living in one of the most diverse places in the world.
  2. How does my name get plugged to something I've never said or alluded to? Guy is just grasping for straws.
  3. Hint, being black is just that, being physically black. Being forced into a culture because you are a certain race is a bullshit propaganda to control people. Segregating people by culture because of their race is actually racist ;) btw you drink tea and spend your day reviewing shower curtains, that is so unblack of you. lol @ this uncle tom. you're not black because you don't do black things man. heres a smiley face ;)
  4. havent done crack or own a ant farm, if you gonna try to make fun of me, at least stick to the truth like I do, it makes it that much funny. Like calling you straight edge is pathetically funny enough, I don't have to make up shit. You having giant X tattoos tops it off. Maybe when you're old and your skin sags, your x will change shape and people wont point and laugh behind you're back anymore. muahahahaha (cool shot jimbo) lmao
  5. go smoke weed, your sober lifestyle makes you bitter I like my sober lifestyle. It seems like you're the one who is bitter because you're a cracked out goon who runs an ant farm out of his apartment. Fuckin loser.
  6. It got gay when you told us about how you are starving yourself so that your ants can carry you around town so you can save money instead of using it on gas.
  7. Now you're just a hater. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Well if you are going to make fun of something, at least know what you are talking about. Shut up and go invent the next revolutionary thing that will influence human lives for generations to come! only if you promise to love me aggressively. pretty gay bro, not gonna lie homophobe!
  9. Well if you are going to make fun of something, at least know what you are talking about. Shut up and go invent the next revolutionary thing that will influence human lives for generations to come! only if you promise to love me aggressively.
  10. Well if you are going to make fun of something, at least know what you are talking about.
  11. gauges are the most retarded thing ever. Duuuurrrr stretch my ears like a retard then pay for surgery to fix them. These are gauges. these are plugs yeah that was the important part, good job clearing that up Thanks dood. :]
  12. gauges are the most retarded thing ever. Duuuurrrr stretch my ears like a retard then pay for surgery to fix them. These are gauges. these are plugs
  13. Don't dig those piercings, and stretch your ears a bit more.
  14. Yet you take it more seriously than anyone else by making posts like this.
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