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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Barto

  1. Nah, I'm just dumb. Me too! I learnt about ironing twoday
  2. Nah, I'm just dumb. I would like hang on it upside down singing, or I'd jump off of it onto the crowd, or I'd headwalk on people, I also did a monkey bar swing to the other rafter.
  3. You can't really see well, but this is me hanging off a rafter at this show I went to last night.
  4. IT DOESN'T YOU STUPID BITCH, jk. But I don't see whats hipster about wearing a Hardcore band Windbreaker.
  5. He wants to lose 40 more pounds so his pet ants can carry him around.
  6. I'm Europeon, mainly Spanish and Irish, but I also have some Cree and Micmac in me (Canadian Indians)
  7. I hope to get a bike soon and do something like this. Except I want to start here in San Diego, and work up the pacific coast to Canada.
  8. You should get it cut but only because I hate the way your hair parts.
  9. I don't think you a re understanding me at all. I'm saying you don't have to be Straight Edge to be preachy against drug use. Its like the whole D.A.R.E thing, I don't think many of the people involved in that claimed to be Edge. I know a good amount of people who drink alcohol but are against drug use. My original post was saying that your comment about Straight Edge kids was a little out of left field, is all as it wasn't in the conversation to begin with. I understand you aren't saying ALL Edge kids are preachy, like I said they do exist. I just feel like its a little exaggerated by n
  10. This came out of no where.How? The last page is full of people trying to force weed on Alph. I guess the straight edge comment. You don't have to be edge to preach sobriety.Never said they were mutually exclusive, but I doubt many drug users condone drug use. We're not talking about abuse, just using at all. If you preach sobriety you can't go and use drugs lol. I said "preachy" straight edgers, you'd be hard pressed to find "preachy" drug users against recreational use. I'm not saying anything contrary. I'm just saying there are people who preach against drug use of any kind that aren't
  11. This came out of no where.How? The last page is full of people trying to force weed on Alph. I guess the straight edge comment. You don't have to be edge to preach sobriety.
  12. I don't smoke weed, never will, but sometimes a few of my friends will and they will get some dank ass stuff and it smells good sometimes.
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