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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Barto

  1. It's mustache march, i'm working on it. Plus I hardly grow any facial hair. I have no sideburns to speak of - not quite sure why that is though.
  2. Is that how the majority of raves look like in Canada? I'm asking because thats a hell of a lot better than what raves in so cal look like. For a smaller venue its pretty typical. I enjoy those more; better DJs, longer sets, and better atmosphere. That one was in a smaller bar, probably no more than 400 people there. There are the big ones just like in SoCal I would imagine, but I do not go as often. From the looks of it you don't have to deal with 95% of the people going looking like.
  3. Is that how the majority of raves look like in Canada? I'm asking because thats a hell of a lot better than what raves in so cal look like.
  4. A small percentage of moderate alcohol users will show signs of increased chances of reducing heart disease, not everyone who is a moderate drinker will see these results. That makes it dangerous? lmfao. oh yeah, i forgot that alcohol doesn't cause kindey failure, or that getting drunk doesn't increase risks of having accidents that in some cases are vital.
  5. A small percentage of moderate alcohol users will show signs of increased chances of reducing heart disease, not everyone who is a moderate drinker will see these results.
  6. Continuing the chain of hypocrisy, those things are dangerous and you have made minute cases for a small percentage of the things I abstain from. You keep failing to understand that by me not caring about what other people do is not plausible in conjunction with me finding something both negative and unappealing, and then to top it off you are somehow trying to fit in things about me that aren't even true.
  7. I didn't say my path was harder, I was making the case that it had hardships.Every path has hardships. But those hardships vary and you are making the claim that I didn't have any additional ones as opposed to anyone else, but everyone goes through varying degrees of hardships on their paths, so who are you to say that I didn't have it harder than other people. You don't personally know me, you don't know what I have been through in my life and you are continuing to judge me. This discussion is going no where; you guys are just trying to find a way to prove that somehow I'm arrogant for being
  8. I didn't say my path was harder, I was making the case that it had hardships.
  9. Whats funny is that im not being condescending at all. I have yet to judge anyone in this thread and rather I am the one being judged; I've not once said I was better than anyone - i've shown to be very okay with OTHER people doing what they want do. Please get your head out of your ass.You seem to have a mightier-than-thou attitude about abstaining from drugs. I'm not the only one who gets that from you.\ What got me was when you said, "How many people do you know that don't smoke or drink?" Like it's an accomplishment. Being straight edge is no more an accomplishment than being a user. Yo
  10. Whats funny is that im not being condescending at all. I have yet to judge anyone in this thread and rather I am the one being judged; I've not once said I was better than anyone - i've shown to be very okay with OTHER people doing what they want do. Please get your head out of your ass.You seem to have a mightier-than-thou attitude about abstaining from drugs. I'm not the only one who gets that from you.\ What got me was when you said, "How many people do you know that don't smoke or drink?" Like it's an accomplishment. Being straight edge is no more an accomplishment than being a user. Yo
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