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Everything posted by Alphonse

  1. This is great. Obsidian with a bigger budget have so much potential
  2. let them argue, it will keep this thread on top so more people can see it.
  3. https://nodebb.org/ Something like that. Right now I'm trying to get back into web development and I'm going to focus on node.js. So I figure it will best for SW in the long run.
  4. Which is your preferred method to surf the mess that is SW? Would you guys be ok with us moving to a newer more simple and faster forum while archiving and keeping this one private? The domain would stay the same, but you might have to make a new account.
  5. I own both a re-release gc controller and a third party one. Third party one is pretty dope cause it eliminates the trigger travel plus it works as a pro controller with other games.
  6. I don't usually shop at kohls so I might just do that too.
  7. I have no choice on my shit. I'm stuck on this apartment for 2 more years and everything but the kitchen and bathroom are carpeted out.
  8. Remy did post his pic a few time back in the days
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