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Everything posted by Alphonse

  1. Seeing we are not as active as back in the days, I guess it doesn't hurt to enable the log.
  2. best part is that it doesn't use that retarded creation engine
  3. I can bring the quote chain, but it would mean losing this forum and all its content. The only software I can convert this one too, only allows me to convert the account and even then you will have to use the lost password feature. Plus it doesn't have a responsive theme so you will be forced to use tapatalk.
  4. but you're hurting my feelings with these fake dream scenarios
  5. PC for games that are graphically intense, switch for everything else
  6. I'm actually surprised that FE beat Mario Maker
  7. Nobody should be surprised by this, Motherfucker been posting trans porn since the old gamespot days.
  8. You're finally going for it, I'm happy for you Aza Just remember to properly dispose the body
  9. https://www.thedailybeast.com/suspected-el-paso-shooter-patrick-crusius-dad-once-sought-to-help-gun-violence-victim apparently the kid is jewish
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