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Everything posted by Alphonse

  1. I understand some of the benefits but fuck not drinking for 4 months. I was in the wine business for almost a decade, so it's hard for me to go a week without drinking.
  2. I had no problem with keto flu, but when I cheat with carbs, they just went right through me.
  3. I love bread and wine too much. By the end, I was at least cheating once a week.
  4. It's like saying the word moist or millennial, so fucking cringey
  5. except that when you cheat you feel like complete shit. I was keto for like a year, but I prefer a more balanced diet so I went off it. It took me a while for my stomach to be able to digest carbs again. So no way I'm going keto again.
  6. We all can't share the same taste. While I enjoyed RDR2 I can see how all the shores can bore some people, especially if they all have a lot going with their life. some people just want something more mindless.
  7. for movie streaming yeah. Netflix was already king while amazon was a far second place and it's still that way.
  8. Yeah, but they tried that when it was too late. https://www.cnet.com/news/blockbuster-streaming-too-late/
  9. nah, because unlike blockbuster with streaming, Sony still supports digital and cloud gaming.
  10. Word, I can at least vouch for jerry and gouk
  11. word, they're two categories for whites that use that word. Wiggers and Racists
  12. exactly people who get the switch know what they're getting themselves into and they are most likely to own another console anyways.
  13. In motion, it looks a little bit better but it's still shit. Prerendered scenes don't count
  14. Goddammit, Jimbo, can you please slow down with your racist/pedo shit
  15. I thought of something too
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