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Everything posted by Alphonse

  1. Goddammit, Jimbo, can you please slow down with your racist/pedo shit
  2. I thought of something too
  3. But they're still bad for you https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/artificial-sweeteners-may-change-our-gut-bacteria-in-dangerous-ways/ best thing ya fools can do is learn how to appreciate unsweetened tea and coffee.
  4. I just set it so that it shows all threads by default. this way lazy people can't complain
  5. I created a Politics subforum due to half of this forum getting tired of all the politics threads. I know that some of you guys like to have everything in one place, so there's a workaround for this. First, you will have to change the homepage display mode. The first square is the style any classic forum uses. If you like your forums separate, this is the way to go. Third will give you everything in one place. It will look like the image below. The third one also allows you to limit the forums you
  6. Pretty sweet for a kids room
  7. mod abuse is part of what makes system wars, system wars. But we take it easy these days. Back in the days, though, shit was crazy.
  8. jimbo before and after can be used to make weed illegal worldwide
  9. Super Mario Bros.™: The Lost Levels, Punch Out!!™ featuring Mr. Dream, and Star Soldier I'm getting tired of Nintendo slow drip shit. Motherfuckers better start releasing more games a month. At this pace we won't even get to snes by the end of this console life.
  10. I think the most normal one here is @Carlos Vela
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