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Everything posted by Alphonse

  1. Don't you suckas get tired of repeating the same shit every thread? that includes you too, Jerry
  2. While the majority of modern cuckold tend to be on the progressive side of thing, I think is retarded to call all lefty cucks That's like saying all conservatives are white hood wearing racists.
  3. I like some feedback, so mx blue for me. Brown is aight, but I'm too heavy-handed for red. have you tried black and brown keys? brown requires the same force as red but it's tactile so it might help with preventing double tap.
  4. It's all the same, but I love the free space it provides.
  5. I still use my 7 year old tenkeyless coolermaster quickrapid with no lights connected to my ps/2 slot. Think that but no logos and white keys. I also owned a corsair strafe mx brown, but I don't touch it cause I prefer the tenkeyless.
  6. Those bastards did you wrong and they deserve to die for such blasphemy.
  7. Yeah, looks great for a mobile game. I can see this as something I can play whenever I'm waiting in line and got nothing to do.
  8. He doesn't even need to go that drastic. A wig and some lipstick are sufficient with today lefties.
  9. It's not a streaming service. It's more like their own version of gamepass.
  10. It's the future, son, best enjoy your hermits days while it last
  11. Word. I ain't going to remember all these weird fucking genders for a tiny percentage of the population. That shit is mad retarded. Having said that, they can call themselves whatever they want, they can have and raised their own kids, live however they want, that shit doesn't affect me in any way. As long as I don't get in trouble for misgendering someone I don't know who looks like the sex they were born with, I'm cool.
  12. I'm sure it will improve on launch date, especially when they released their gamepad.
  13. I hate this trend. You see a lot of blacks, dominicans and puerto ricans doing that shit in NY.
  14. Epic has been going hard with client exclusives with their limited budget. Imagine the damage google can do.
  15. Consoles plebians will cease to exist soon. The future will be PC and Cloud based
  16. But the EU would be all over them
  17. They wouldn't want to risk government intervention
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