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Everything posted by Alphonse

  1. That is true. While they do cause some retarded chaos in liberal cities, at least the damage is minimal compared to the alt-right idiots. Breaking a starbuck window is shit compared to a bullet in your skull.
  2. You see is only ok for someone on the left to fuck up and ask for forgiveness. But fuck you if you're anywhere the center.
  3. Mike and jerry running with whatever hyperbole resetera gives them on pewds
  4. This is the world we live on now. Can't make jokes without being blamed for unstable people using them as inspiration
  5. I'm on second day Doms and just caught flu. This shit is killing me
  6. WIll it be an xbox anywhere title? I still have it on my account from when I used to own an xbox one.
  7. While Vivendi tried to do a hostile takeover, Google ain't them. They can actually offer Ubisoft a great deal. Besides, last time a major player enter the market, they went on a shopping spree.
  8. With jade raymond as vp, I can see google acquiring ubisoft or at least building a strong relationship with them.
  9. can't even joke with you fools, anymore. Lemming faction has been reactivated. No point in deleting something that will probably go away on its own by the end of the year.
  10. The way I see it is there's almost no difference between owning an xbox or pc. How can you compete in the System wars when you have no exclusives?
  11. Starting right now all lemmings have been converted to hermits. The Lemming faction is no more, there's no point in they existing if their console is just a gimped pc.
  12. I do framing for wealthy new york jews. It's pretty mindless at times, so I just listen to podcasts.
  13. With the lemming faction joining the hedgehogs in fanboy hell, it is my duty as the inheritor of this site to look for a fourth faction. I was thinking of something along the line of soyboy for cloud gamers, but I know that whatever I choose, you guys will simply ignore. Which is why I'm going to leave this up to all of you. Reply in this thread with your idea and then I will make a poll which will lead to the final decision.
  14. and I thought boobiecount was a savage when he switched sides, but jon is on another level.
  15. This is what happens when you take that 1 ton known as xbox off
  16. Welcome to the A team, dawg
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