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Everything posted by Alphonse

  1. With the lemming faction joining the hedgehogs in fanboy hell, it is my duty as the inheritor of this site to look for a fourth faction. I was thinking of something along the line of soyboy for cloud gamers, but I know that whatever I choose, you guys will simply ignore. Which is why I'm going to leave this up to all of you. Reply in this thread with your idea and then I will make a poll which will lead to the final decision.
  2. and I thought boobiecount was a savage when he switched sides, but jon is on another level.
  3. This is what happens when you take that 1 ton known as xbox off
  4. Welcome to the A team, dawg
  5. The ultimate Devil Hunter is back in style, in the game action fans have been waiting for.
  6. The way I see the future is ninty being a third party dev for phones and cloud systems and Sony probably being bought out by a company like Samsung or Amazon.
  7. Microsoft and Google can also afford this strategy, I don't think Sony can.
  8. This shit is a kodak moment. Ninty and Sony can't focus on the future cause they're too busy raking in all the rewards from past ideas.
  9. True is that both side is doing this shit. Can't even trust any review anymore cause idiots on both side are just thinking about their feelings
  10. That happens to me on days I workout with less than 5 hours of sleep.
  11. It's time for you to eat some shroom, steal the mic and let them all know how you feel.
  12. no change in terms of look. The update is more about performance and features.
  13. Wait on making the theme. I'm going to be upgrading the forum in the near future and it's a big upgrade, so there will be a lot of template changes.
  14. I'm about to start following this Also, when it would be best to do cardio?
  15. I'm not aza, son. I know this shit is fake
  16. Ducking hell, I just got an email telling me “ Your recent eBay transaction may be from a compromised account”
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