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Everything posted by Alphonse

  1. The future for you console peasants is gaming out of a kindle stick
  2. Going by your past predictions I feel like I should invest heavily in VR.
  3. Word. Imagine when higher resolution devices come out allowing you to put in a headset and watching a 4k movie like you're in a movie theater.
  4. People think VR is dead, because it's not selling like a nintendo switch/wii, but what they fail to see is that something like VR doesn't need those kinds of numbers to be a success. Unlike regular consoles, game attachment rate for VR is high and sales will only get better as cheaper headsets and vr compatible gpu are released.
  5. That shit ain't as common as they make it out to be. The only time I saw people that big was when I was traveling down south and passed through a couple of fairs.
  6. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-01-06-nintendo-may-move-away-from-home-console-development-says-company-president
  7. a cheaper switch lite model would be perfect for kids.
  8. Oh shit, I didn't know they were remastering Crystal Chronicles. That game was my jam back in the days.
  9. I would kill for one of those two. I'm surprised no company has thrown money at him
  10. Remij will probably invest 50% of his savings on it
  11. what gpu do you currently own, @Jon2B?
  12. They’re not good solo. You need a good group of friends and some booze to go along with it
  13. just use https://pcpartpicker.com There's a lot of nerds who post good cheap pc builds there.
  14. Looking at some of the benchmarks the performance difference won't be that huge for someone who doesn't care for 4k. The only positive for the 2060 that I see for you is that it will have a longer life span.
  15. Exactly why I should wait on it. Right now I have RDR2 and Fist of the North Star taking my time. I can't fully devote myself to DQ11 until I'm done with those.
  16. You should go with the 1070 but wait for a sub $300 deal. https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapcsales/
  17. And that will probably be barely scratching the surface.
  18. I got a lot of games on my plate right now. But I'll definitely check it out once it drops to $20.
  19. 2060 will have a longer lifespan but the 1070 is cheaper and since you will only be doing 1080p60 gaming, I say go with the 1070.
  20. I don't see why would he lie about that, it's not like it's expensive. Maybe the reason is that he doesn't want yall trolling him or maybe he is a shame of the games he plays.
  21. But I can just edit the database
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