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Everything posted by Alphonse

  1. SFV reduced is input lag, so I see no reason why ninty can't do the same with smash.
  2. I've been playing all day, Social life be damned
  3. Loving the Belmonts. Feels good to whip bitches out of the map :
  4. pull an all-nighter with my boys unlocking characters. 8 players mode is insane, I could barely keep up with the action and downing a dozen beer didn't help
  5. Ya fools better stop with the shitposting
  6. i'll play with y'all, once I get aight at the game
  7. lol I don't mind it going free to play. It just going to suck hearing more fucking kids on the mic
  8. but that sold out right away. Wish I would have seen that as soon as it went up [
  9. There was one ebay seller selling it for $269, everything else was bundles and gift cards.
  10. https://babylonbee.com/news/bethesda-hires-team-of-leftists-to-act-as-npcs-in-fallout-76?fbclid=IwAR1-EroFKcooGYlXq0zT1G-a5J3mFpoiia_ft_uR3E6n9FObkuNOMMoHpGU
  11. I prefer one that allows me to charge while playing
  12. I always do the first playthrough on medium on any game. Second playthrough on the hardest difficulty. But these days I barely have time for a single playthrough
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