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Everything posted by Alphonse

  1. I turned everything off, the only thing I haven't switch is simulation steering.
  2. damn i need practice, my drifting game is horrible
  3. Maybe this will be a lite model or a handheld exclusive model.
  4. If that ends up happening then I will just get a new one and hack the og one.
  5. Word. I don't think I spent more than a couple of minutes a day on the homescreen.
  6. https://metro.co.uk/2018/09/26/secrets-of-lost-nintendo-console-revealed-by-british-gaming-pioneer-who-led-its-design-7980023/
  7. Holy shit, I didn't even know that was bale until they mention it was him
  8. aza just needs to accept that he is gay and take it in the ass. I bet he be a less paranoid person if he did
  9. might as well change the name of this website to that
  10. I'm not buying the ultimate edition this time, instead will be getting it through gamepass, so I will join you guys next week.
  11. That's trash whisky for people with an unrefined palate.
  12. I overlooked something and everything went to shit. xD
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