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Everything posted by Alphonse

  1. Before 2008 it would of been easy to make a list but now it's almost impossible. No one wants to invest in single platform games so the only games that stay exclusive are the ones like civilization that are impossible with gamepads. Even The Sims found their way to console.
  2. I think this is a good idea. Right now I'm casual as fuck. I've been playing Pokemon Go, CSGO, and Pokemon Ultra Moon. I did get Metroid Return of Samus for 3ds, will probably start playing that this weekend.
  3. anyone has backup of the images? I want to re add them to the original posts.
  4. Going back on my words here but fuck it You can barely see their table on the video, like barely the edge.
  5. But those people already payed for their food and might be leaving soon. But if you let someone else in because of that then the cycle will never end. You have to draw a line after a certain point. I'm done with you. So go ahead and have the last word.
  6. Most cafe/restaurant don't kick out customers who already paid for their food. But what they do is close their kitchen and announce that they won't be taking any more patrons. Which this place did. The only reason we are talking about this shit is cause the lady is a black woman who has a chip on her shoulder and because you love playing devil's advocate.
  7. so if after hours, it's full and you think that the best thing is to let more people in? You have to draw a line after a certain time otherwise you're going to be working until the next day. this is what happened I see nothing wrong with what happened. Only mistake was that they didn't get to the door soon enough.
  8. As someone who used to manage a store. It's not as simple as you think. When it comes to closing time, you have to stick to your hours otherwise people will start taking advantage. So what if the door were still open, maybe they were busy handling the last couple of customers and were rushing cause they wanted to close shop and go home. Shit happens all the time.
  9. Word. Can't get enough of it, thinking of rewatching Season 1, just to see if I can put together some more theories.
  10. Jimbo looks like he about to do a huge Elbow Drop on some unlucky fool
  11. I have gained some weight since last time I posted but already on a journey to losing it all.
  12. low tom thinks you're Indian cause you're brown
  13. What's good, son? I c you kept the weight off, nice p.s. I merged your accounts. username and password should be the same as the new one.
  14. Just started The Fracture But Whole. So far it's all great
  15. I was hoping to convert to another forum, but this version is so fresh, that's currently impossible unless you hire someone.
  16. :D :( I fixed those two smileys. I was getting tired of the other two generics one popping up. People can double post again, but the quote chain is still something that's impossible.
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