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Everything posted by Alphonse

  1. Lol my city just closed theirs for two weeks and we are next to nyc
  2. FPS and games that require your fingers on both stick at most time.
  3. Yeah have to play demon souls day 1
  4. this is like 2020 election, xbox wins by default based on the ugliness of the other console
  5. general chat you can take today off, though. Nothing will come out. Best days are usually wed through fri
  6. Ignore the bot, pay attention to the chat. Usually if the bot is being triggered that means microdrops are happening, so it's good to pay attention to all the retailers.
  7. https://discord.gg/96w27m I do that one and the nvidia one.
  8. Alerts didn't really do it for me, you have to keep an eye on their chats.
  9. So I manage to get two more 3080 I think that makes it 6
  10. My FTW3 is arriving on Thursday, can't wait AMD GPUs
  11. didn't that idiot recommend that escobar scam iphone/note gold phones
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