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Everything posted by Alphonse

  1. Still playing Persona 5. I just finish madarame and so far everything been good.
  2. started Persona 5 and currently playing Pocket Morty on my phone.
  3. Damn, that blows. Why don't you try some streaming site. I know the quality is not great but it's better than nothing.
  4. Just got Doom on PC and I can barely play it due to my messed up wrist. This shit is killing me
  5. Only show I'm uptodate on are The Flash and Game of Thrones. Need to find the time to catch on on Agents of Shield, Walking Dead and Arrow
  6. Watching Orphan Black, already finishing the second season, can't wair for the 3rd
  7. Currently playing harvest moon 3ds: A New Beginning and wishing for a next gen version of the franchise.
  8. I made it easier for yall, I just added, no messing with other members personal live, to the rules. SInce this is a new rule, give tards like spicoli and ghostz a warning and let them know of the new rule.
  9. With the private stuff. I say if its info that a member never posted here, than it's ok to ban him, but its for information a member posted on this site, then fuck it. But if a member went out of his way to search for private info like going on another member facebook or instagram, than you can ban him. My suggestion is to not post pictures of your love ones on this site.
  10. No Child pornography NSFW label for all porn No posting or linking to illegal content No racism, that includes blatant baits like the one ghostz do. No more banning people for derailing threads or spicoli for baiting bdg members.
  11. Jimbo, I'm still breathing. Jimbo, answer me this, what are you currently playing? Life, but it's pretty stale. I'm dead. *cough* You should try Second Life. You can't die in that game/
  12. Jimbo, I'm still breathing. Jimbo, answer me this, what are you currently playing?
  13. Nice, I'm playing fire red On a GB or VisualBoy? DS Lite. Found my old cartridge, so decided to start from the beginning, since I moved all my pokemon to diamond.
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