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Everything posted by Alphonse

  1. I just started playing Super Smash Bros Brawl. Never played it before , so I decided to give it a shot. I also need to get back on playing Wonderful 101.
  2. Far Cry 3 if you enjoy open world games Tomb raider if enjoy hearing a woman orgasm
  3. Well since we have an official nsfw thread in the Lounge, I'm taking the NSFW out of the tittle.
  4. ninty is fucking retarded, how the fuck are they going to have CT on the wii eshop but not on the wii u eshop. I love how they take a long ass time to rerelease snes game on their modern consoles.
  5. Is the truth. CT > Earthbound FFIV > Earthbound FFVI > Earthbound
  6. I didn't like it back when I was younger, but I'm enjoying it now.
  7. I got the yo-yo, I think it was a bad a idea. I did beat the gang and their stupid robot with it.
  8. paying for $10 for earthbound I just download it on a phone
  9. 88 damn i must have had a really good set up... i finished with my main character at 68, and most of my demons were in the high 50s/low 60s Damn, son.
  10. I finally beat SMT4 Spoiler *Like the story, except for three of the four endings (Lawful, Chaos and bad ending) Neutral is the only one that I'm happy with. *Love the fusion system and all the choices it gives you, allowing you to create mean killing demons. *Not that into video game ST, but it was enjoyable. - Hated how fast some enemies are, forcing you to strike them, otherwise, they will get an advantage over you and wipe out your whole party. - Like TB, I hated the overworld map and how monsters can go through solid structures. It could of been done better. - Demon art
  11. Yeah, they hit the nail on that one perfectly. I really felt like an asshole ;( The Law path is just taken to the extreme though, it's probably the same for chaos too. Neutral seems to be the way to go but I gotta look at what the requirements are. Extreme is the bad ending side,
  12. Spoiler Shit was cray, I didn't want to fight her ;( I heard she is your ally when you go neutral.
  13. I read that there is four ending. Lawful, Neutral, Chaos and the bad one;
  14. The demon domains? There's about a dozen of them in the game. no its much worse than that. i think i may have already passed you :]
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