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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. You have the stupidest takes I've ever seen... Well after Cooke lol. The Right is currently waging culture wars against whole groups of people but the left should be ashamed because of Twitter? Lmfao
  2. These people have no shame or interest in making the world a better place.
  3. Lmfao this fucking cunt. You probably know what Fauchis wife had for dinner for Thanksgiving but you don't know any of what Kanye has said or done in the past 3 months.
  4. The point is bigotry and discrimination aren't binary. Bigots love to frame it as this simple yes/no dynamic anyone not burning crosses on people's yards are obviously not racist. There's this weird loophole some of you use where you can magically only spot 'left wing racism' at a microlevel. I'm a simple man but Ill listen to the people who were saying he was problematic from the start and not those who it took him openly praising Hitler to be put off. The heart of the conservative movement is so caked with resentment for any of the 'other people' that it literally takes someone
  5. Watching right wingers who have been praising him for the past 2 years, now saying what the 'left' had been saying since his MAGA start is funny. Even Shapiro was defending Kanye up to the point he began his overtly antisemitic comments. Which is the only kind of bigotry that Shapiro shows any concern about.
  6. That's one way to interpret what you just saw. It's a kind of rorschach test in a way. I can see where a bigot like yourself sees this and enjoys seeing white guys taking down lesbian/blacks/disable/overweight/trans people point of view. Some people might see it as an ironic twist where the people complaining seem obtuse and unruly at first...then proven right at the end to be a the point. Others may say they were making fun of both parties in different ways. I mean they were 5 or 6 not-completely straight art nerds who crossed dressed regularly in the 90s. Like what
  7. To be fair, and I'm only saying this as an observation - that still would be "enough reason" to get a thread moved or locked if it were conceived as 'critical' of the right on here.
  8. Dont be obtuse. You want to lock or move it, so lock or move it. Dont pretend you're diligently following the rules and it needs to be done.
  9. lmfao do whatever you fucking bitch.
  10. This proves the opposite of your point. None of this makes any sense. If there was a CP issue on Twitter, how the fuck does that make them profits? Musk doing something was your whole point, so if he isn't - how does it not matter? I mean it's kind of meta, because in reality it doesn't matter to you. You just It went from he is doing all this to it doesn't really matter. Like you just wanted to suck his dick a little because you like his performative gestures to scumbag influencers. How is this a gotcha? It's called accountability, Hes the one wh
  11. I love that Musk left had to leave his fake ass 80+ million bot followers in place because he's too ashamed to show he's not as popular as he tried to prove.
  12. Space X also seems to have an infrastructure in place to keep Elon from being Elon. They also have a ton of government contracts/subsidies so that has a lot of responsibility. What's crazy is that Musk has shun a bright light on the real him and all of his lies and faux Tony Stark persona he's so desperately tried ...and to some some degree pulled off. In 3 weeks millions of people have learned he's a fraud with a lot of money.
  13. Sort of tempted now that MWII remake is out. Problem is most of my friends who play it, play it on Playstation but I never liked that controller for shooter games tbh. I lowkey avoid online shooters for the most part because of the Dualshock design. It's a shame Sony wont bite the bullet and move the sticks around.
  14. lmfao This statement so hyperbolic you are tripping over yourself right now. Breathe. This doesnt even make sense. They want their tech to be as proprietary as possible. Probably why Musk made the Telsa have a proprietary charging stations. It's a fucking car, imagine if every car maker had their own specific gas caps?
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