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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Space X also seems to have an infrastructure in place to keep Elon from being Elon. They also have a ton of government contracts/subsidies so that has a lot of responsibility. What's crazy is that Musk has shun a bright light on the real him and all of his lies and faux Tony Stark persona he's so desperately tried ...and to some some degree pulled off. In 3 weeks millions of people have learned he's a fraud with a lot of money.
  2. Sort of tempted now that MWII remake is out. Problem is most of my friends who play it, play it on Playstation but I never liked that controller for shooter games tbh. I lowkey avoid online shooters for the most part because of the Dualshock design. It's a shame Sony wont bite the bullet and move the sticks around.
  3. lmfao This statement so hyperbolic you are tripping over yourself right now. Breathe. This doesnt even make sense. They want their tech to be as proprietary as possible. Probably why Musk made the Telsa have a proprietary charging stations. It's a fucking car, imagine if every car maker had their own specific gas caps?
  4. Why are right wingers always so fucking mad? lol I have no idea what the CP thing is but I literally never saw anyone including conservatives raising this issue until he brought it a couple of weeks ago. Also, why are right wing incels so fucking up Musks' ass? It's like you guys rage out anytime people make fun of him. lol The Windows store is an abomination. I like android but the android store while leagues better than the windows store is a mess. Apps are personal preferences but the prior two allow complete garbage apps on there store. Last I checked the Windows sto
  5. I don't consider the phones since most people have them subsidized per their plans anyway. Everything else they make or brand is over priced, even peripherals.
  6. Twitter didn't have an erratic sole owner going through both a midlife crisis and some sort of divorce who was tweeting himself into parody last year at this time. Hillariously Twitter fact checked Musk and disclosed that an Ad Agency advised all of their clients...Apple included to reduce their investment in Twitter advertising. Apple is a bigger name to call out, even though I think Musk did also call out this ad company and it's CEO a couple of weeks ago. (Again, GENIUS MOVE ELON!) Twitter doesn't manufacture goods. You're an idiot if you think they would have better work
  7. I think it's genius to attack the largest company in the world for cutting back on advertising (they didn't pull them entirely) and is the best way to encourage other brands to advertise on your platform. Musk is spiraling so bad it's hilarious.
  8. Yes because this is strictly tech...and Musk's insecurity...and yours it seems?
  9. Don't bring politics into this, Boomer.
  10. I mean yeah, watching twitter burn down is actually quite entertaining during a slow point TV wise. It's like an episode of Silicone Valley.
  11. Who do you think can win? Both have dedicated fanboys and are household names. I think even if Musk decides to make his own phone, it will probably flop like everything else he seems to touch that isn't Space X. People are telling Musk to buy Apple as if he could even afford it lol.
  12. Man, it does. Then it does again. You made it through the first arc. The next two are even better.
  13. Are they really concerned about PC players getting their games 2 to 4 years after the fact?
  14. lol No shade but the Sony port begging is hilarious.
  15. Good thread on Musk having queer friendly and ANTIFA accounts locked. Some at the personal request of people like fucking Andy Ngo? The richest man in the world and personal owner of Twitter is now doing help desk for the alt right lol.
  16. Lol Trump had dinner with Super Twinblade. Some of you keep talking about racism on the left yet its always conservative politicians that are haging out with white nationalist.
  17. Walsh is a fucking creep who shouldn't be allowed around children. @Ramza
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