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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. It's funny that no one knows if this is real or not because no one has a Truth social account lol. I think it's fake because I've seen it twice and both have the same RT numbers.
  2. lol He has to pretend like you're saying something your not, so he can try to save face. This motherfucker gets dumber every day it seems.
  3. Lol no you don't. No one believes you, why are you trying to keep up this charade? If he donated all of his money to Republicans you wouldn't have made this thread. You can't even make a point of why people should care or how it's relevant.
  4. The funny thing is that there is way more losers like you on twitter talking about how mad the liberals are than liberals that are mad there. This is what I was talking about a couple weeks ago about you weird modern right wingers, your only ideology is what you perceive upsets liberals or woke people. You guys never actually talk about platforms, solving problems, legislation, and the only laws you guys ever bring up are affirmative action and most if not all of you have no idea how that even works. It's just dumb, people laughing about your ghoulish hatred.
  5. Lol it's going to be fun beating your dumb ass up in here. I didn't make a single complaint about him coming back. My point was "freedom of speech" warrior and godfather of incels comes back and immediately ask for safe spaces for verified users, and proposed a segregated 2 tier system. Much like how he pleads for people to be nice to incels while making biogotted statements about other groups of people.
  6. I'm still trying to find out what his point is other than some desperate attempt to knock democrats for this. I swear Cooke has the reasoning of a 12 year old.
  7. Lol this is how we can tell how dumb you are. Trump poisoning the Republican will hurt the right more than the left. I'm ready to watch it burn. Lol the problem is that Trump needs to sell truth social and I assume the value of the company disintegrates if he returns to Twitter. Coming back to twitter benefits Musk, staying off means hundreds of millions of dollars for Trump, so we'll see. Trump returning to twitter costing him that much money is also something I'd enjoy seeing.
  8. Lmfao after 8 years of bitching about freedom, 2 weeks into Musk owning Twitter and they want paid deposits, fines, priority engagement, paid accounts, private information, safe spaces, pay service verification, and legitimate segregation of users by "class" This is the route rich conservatives always take when they gain some power and they use working class conservatives to do the heavy lifting. I'm sure the people who just wanted to say racist, sexist, homophobic, and antisemitic shit on Twitter didn't expect a bunch of rich middle aged crypto bros to try and turn Twitter into Li
  9. So they reinstated Peterson (who could have been anytime he wanted to) and he's immediately calling for the elites and common folks to post on separate parts of the platform? It's funny when right wingers get their way they always want more at someone else's expense and it usually favors rich people and powerful people, even while they boast they fighting for common person.
  10. So freedom fighter Elon says super shadowbanning will be a thing on top of giving paying users complete priority in the algorithm. The technocrats win again.
  11. Omg can we all be done with the EV sales stuff already? @Ramzamade some stupid "what's that behind you" dodge in defense of his sugar daddy Elon because even he couldn't grovel enough to make Musk's open GOP support make sense, as someone operating solely for bettering the environment. Like he can't just admit the world's richest man is just a greedy business man. He wants him to be Tony Stark too like all of the other weirdo right wing nerds.
  12. Lol it's not just the Ukraine. It's just about every topic there is. It's their brand and the audience they covet. All this freedom bullshit is just their cover. When Owens posted that she enjoyed Dr Dre's super bowl show, she then had to spend the whole day defending to her own audience that she grew up on rap or that the NFL allowed rap during the Superbowl half time show. Right wing media isnt about informing people as much as airing their grievances in the most hostile way possible.
  13. But in some biology 101 classes, teachers are telling students that sexes—not gender, sex—are on a continuum. Lol I was like "random" when I read the OP but yeah it's about transpeople so of course... Cucke gonna Cucke.
  14. Lol right out of the gate he starts with this bullshit about how "he's not the stereotype. You're not special bitch, most white people in North America don't talk about how badly they have it either so go fuck yourself with this pitiful cover. Lol I love specifically "left wing bigotry" and not just bigotry itself. I'm guessing because left bigotry victimizes white males the most in your mind? You may not be a stereotype, but you're a fucking cliche.
  15. I'll say that in a vacuum, I've never seen Cucke ever take a queer person's side or show empathy or even shared an opinion from a queer pov. I've seen him defend white people over and over again. White bigoted mass murderers. Mentioned on more than one occasion how hard it is in Canada for white men. I've seen him bring up the suicide rates for white males (specifically), and he constantly regurgitates how much hes "against equity". So, he's either lying about being gay or a self loathing person who likes to think he's "one of the good ones" bullshit or isn't lying but his prior
  16. No, he means you're possibly lying which honestly isn't a crazy thought.
  17. So here is the move. It's perfectly fine to be concerned about how much money we're giving to the Ukrainians. That however is a civil and complex conversation to have and the right has to make weird baseless attacks and turn everything in to a food fight. The single biggest enemy of the Right is empathy. It's not enough to disagree or even get their way. They have tear people down, dehumanize and degrade them in order to look like they are actually arguing for a good outcome.
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