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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. You don't have to feel sympathy for anyone, none of us do. We just do by nature. I find one of the most telling things about people is who they feel empathy and apathy for. Like in this situation where some of you feel apathy for working people and empathy for the richest internet troll in the world.
  2. Well to start Elon Musk is the richest man in the world and those are certain jobs and others float around 75k. I guess I guess I'm so woke that I'm put off about a rich kid 50 year old man buying a company out of stupidity then firing people who would have jobs otherwise and let's be honest, you wouldn't feel bad even if the jobs were low paying. All you people do on the right is wish for and enjoy bad things happening to innocent people to make yourselves feel better.
  3. Lol I forgot how many times @Ramzagot dunked on in this thread.
  4. This is the guy who wants people to do 20 years for throwing some soup on some expensive picture frames btw.
  5. Lol Nice try. So you think it's sad when a hypothetical white tech worker loses a job to a black tech worker... You think it's unacceptable but a billionaire firing people because of their political party is totally chill. Again, just admit what you are. You guys are clowns trying to retroactively make yourselves sound less like assholes and justify your Musk bootlicking. You motherfuckers can't be original about anything lol.
  6. Out of curiosity, since today seemed to be all of the free thinking common-sense populist conservatives boot-licking museums, millionaires, and billionaires if there are any right leaning threads about working folk getting a win? Would be a nice contrast to Cucke, Ramza, and Twincel laughing at Musk firing people to amuse incels, defending Trump (in Nov of 22), and wishing for longer jail sentences for people for throwing soup on artwork.
  7. Yes, no problem where you can't fathom sympathy for people based on their political affiliation despite the fact you don't even know how these people vote or if it even affected to their jobs. Musk most likely will have to shed a good number of jobs and most of the people he will fire aren't shot callers and paycheck people doing their jobs as told to them. It's funny watching you guys try to do cover your cruelty. You are shit.
  8. Another good guy conservative cheering a billionaire firing people weeks before Christmas. You guys are heroes.
  9. You are legit laughing about people losing their jobs who did nothing wrong to anyone. It's bizarre what you guys like and hate and some how you think you are decent people. Just to be clear, you as a working class person are laughing about the richest man in the world accidentally buying a company then fucking with it and possibly may be firing half of the staff near the holidays. But lol?
  10. Lol I wasn't asking your dumb ass, I was telling you. I respect that you have to keep this farce going but we all know that if his real last tweet was him grinding up puppies and feeding them babies you would have to find some way to make it not look like a big deal.
  11. Also, it's kind of crazy how you guys constantly find yourselves defending Donald Trump...in 20 fucking 22. Lol like what the fuck?
  12. These are among his final tweets, these were deleted because... You know it sounds like a threat how he called the jan 6 riots an act of patriots who were conned by their government. Also him lying about what Pence could legally do and how that caused the stolen election. That's two major lies across two fucking tweets and I feel that Trump has made calling any and all elections 'rigged' mainstream for Republicans pretty fucking malicious.
  13. They put them under protective glass so most if not all of them are fine. I don't condone and quite honestly hate this trend but these works are designed to withstand fire suppression measures, so throwing pudding on them isn't going to destroy the work. A month in prison could ruin a person's life, sounds fair to me. Lmfao 20 years for throwing soup on a painting. You guys are psychos and hypocrites.
  14. Well, ok... But you're questioning them being listed as 'center' and now saying they dont fit on either side so I'm confused right now. Where do neocon grifters fit on the political scale?
  15. Well, you apparently think throwing soup on a treated and insured frame that can cost up to 50k in an art gallery seems to be something someone should spend more than a month in jail for.
  16. And still makes more sense than your bullshit. You are such a craven piece of shit it fucks with my brain sometimes. Like I had originally asked who in here hates Russia so much, they wan to sacrifice an entire other country in order to hurt them...and it's like that's STILL NOT THE SITUATION that is happening. Ukraine was minding their business, and Russia invaded them. You act like this is some proxy war that was created in order to weaken Russia and it's like this is Russia's doing. The theater is in the Ukraine. Negotiations means the only side who is compromising would be the
  17. Again, how long should someone go to jail for throwing soup on a frame? It's fascinating how you jump back and forth between "rebel" and boot licker. To be fair, it's usually based on how woke the person of topic is.
  18. Oh shut the fuck up. You sound like a fucking tool with your retarded logic. Where you... the most apathetic and least capable of critical thinking person who cares about the UKr people and everyone else just hates Russia sooooo much we want Ukraine to keep fighting to defend their country to hurt the country? This actually makes sense to you? This is how a bot thinks.
  19. lol how long should someone spend in jail for throwing soup on a frame?
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