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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. That sounds good but back this up. Draw the connection that some how proves a hypocrisy.
  2. I know, I'm slacking this month. Been kind of tuning out current events to a degree. Also, it's getting kind of old constantly being right and still continuing arguing with the same idiots saying the same stupid shit. I still have Tulsi shit I've been wanting to say. Over a month ago I was told you about how one person is magically responsible for all of the CRT and "trans-curriculum" panic. Here is he actually describing how he created narratives for people who "feel" something and "creating language" for them to express lies in a convincing manner. None of this was organic, or bo
  3. TBF I didnt bother posting too much about his lyrics as the video does a precise enough job critiquing the shitty "free thinker" mentality. FYI the rapper also calls out law enforcement and the justice system later in the same exact song. Basically showing how shallow, paradoxical, and right-wing influenced the "free thinker" mentality actually is. Personally, I think it was more of him trying to call out BLM than defending the cops. Also, how many rappers/rockers/country/blues artist makes pro-cop music? I know you're a cowardly boot-licker but come on.
  4. Sure, it will serve to show how racist and unaware some of you are.
  5. Misusing your sad mod abilities to lock threads in here I see. If you or Ramza had shitty bars this douche bag would be y'all. All of the free thinker cringe; like leaning on vague political buzzwords, incorrect historical info, constantly bashing a group of people whilst claiming to have no prejudice against them, pro-cop, anti-vax, faux anti-corporatist childish logic. A fun little extra is a brief look at the history of conservatives worrying about men switching places with women like every generation going back nearly as far as the printing press's inception anytime there is s
  6. Cruzs donors switched to supporting Trump and made him support Trump lol. It's funny how the right loves to talk about Soros but some how never mention the Kochs, Norquist, Mercers, or Theil.
  7. How is it anything other than a surrender? It's their land. It's not like Russia is going to trade them land or something. Like are you really this stupid?
  8. It's sad you keep trying this "corporatist left" bullshit as if the right is anti-corporatist or something. It's like stupid Tulsi fans think people can't see through them like they do Tulsi herself. Like was there any shock she "turned" right wing shill?
  9. Oh boy. If we had a less adversarial disposition I'd almost feel bad for you. The entitlement isn't the lie, it's the feeling that the lie should be treated equally as the truth. Because it's not just about the election. It's basically everything. You feel like you concerns about a vague conspiracy that you can't describe created and implemented by people you don't know and have no examples of is just as valid people trying to use inclusive sex ed with the intent reducing self harm/bullying/education. Despite the fact that cities/school districts with more comprehensive sex ed hav
  10. Most of the videos you post are from right wing YouTube shills who post ridiculously stupid shit on the regular. You guys are fucking cliches.
  11. Do you consume content that isn't from idiotic Canadian hill people with grudges?
  12. I brought up entitlement to him in regards to conservatives believing that they should be catered to regardless of the facts. Here is an example of what I meant. This guy uses the right wing talking point about what people believe vs what is actually true and doing his best to appease Trump and his supporters even though he knows they are wrong. This is the world people like Cooke, Ramza, and Twinblade want all of us to live in.
  13. I'll just say that you two agree on like 99% of issues and both have slid to the right over the same span of time. Maybe this should be telling for you.
  14. The thing is you keep trying to act like some peace radical but also trying to pretend that negotiating with Russia is completely one sided (at best) no matter what gets agreed upon because they invaded another country. It's safe to assume at best Russia would be willing to stop and remain in control of 20% of the ukr that they have a grip on. What exactly becomes fair for the Ukraine people, especially when there is no guarantee that Putin won't try to invade again for the 3rd time a few years down the road? You're only making this point because of the right wing shit you consum
  15. Lol you're sucy a poser with this bullshit. How intellectually dishonest do you have to be to draw people not wanting give Russia control over another country as them being warmongers? No one wants a nuclear war, we also don't want tyrants being able to just take over other countries. You sound retarded.
  16. To be fair, we point out what we consider bullshit and why. It's just you, Cooke, and Twinblade who just spew low information bubble platitudes and self righteous excuses as to why y'all can't back up what you say. The truth matters to me and plays the biggest part of my world view. You have it almost exclusively towards the left, even when you agree with it or can't disprove it. It's like you go out of your way to be obtuse about shit. I've noticed that people who don't have a fact based ideology love to use "common sense" a
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