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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Why would I be upset some politician that I don't know, in a country that I don't live in said something stupid? Yes, yes you are. You say stupid shit all of the time based on shit you make up in your head. You mean you won't believe something that you don't want to believe no matter what is said or actually done. I would say the more toxic result of the modern right is entitled people feeling that the rest of the world needs to cater to their concerns no matter if they are justified or not.
  2. Lol it would be worse if they did that for free.
  3. Lol wonder how much they were paid to do that.
  4. To gain a favorable view from one of the dumbest and easily bought political parties in the world, US Republicans/conservatives? Like you made Putin sound reasonable as he is currently invading another country unprovoked.
  5. What's hilarious is that you are basically admitting that you care more about rhetoric than fact.
  6. You would think that because you don't actually care about the details. It's not like they hate those people because of their policies or things they did but because they were told to by one man, himself fueled solely out of spite. Trump has said nothing but good things about most of the despots in the world. Again, I'm confused how people who claim they are free thinkers seem unable to indentify or find fault in true hive mind mentality. At least you used neocons correctly. I find this to be an oxymoron. Then again all of the antileft talk in here is conduc
  7. It's pretty difficult to compare ideological shifts on one side versus the other, without acknowledging the opposing shift as well. You've finally used a political buzzword properly. Yes, I love them. Lol you can't be honest at all. No, acknowledging the reality that the right is so hive minded that one man can control how they think. What did you say? That they changed but didn't give any examples?
  8. Lmfao the right has spread so far right that the party hates Romney, McCain, and Bush. The two previous Republican potus noms and the previous republican president. The right has had most of the sensible Republican elected officials leave office rather than going to the ludicrous cult mentality of the modern GOP. Supposed free thinkers not seeing a problem with a whole political party serving the interest of a single man problematic seems absurd to me for some reason.
  9. Lol oh God, just stop already. You are only making yourself look more and more full of shit.
  10. Its sad you're keeping up this illogical reasoning to save face. I took you 4 years to admit you're on the right. I get you're a Tucker cuck, but why is all of the Republicans running on Dems being anti-business? With the dems supporting recent labor union battles and the proposed corporate tax hike and minimum billionaire tax ...if the Dems are these corporate lackeys as you keep implying? Elon Musk gave two reasons why he's voting Republican, one of them was the Dems supporting labor unions. Ben Shapiro made a fool of himself with the recent train union debacle claiming that the Dems got the
  11. Lmfao it's hilarious to see dishonest idiots pretend they have "switched sides" for their holier-than-thou political purity while making zero sense and showing no ideological consistency. We're approaching a little over the past half decade with the biggest social/cultural shifts being increased social awareness or "wokeness". BLM, #metoo, queer and trans outreach/acceptance, and body positivity. There is also the once in a hundred years issue like covid. What have you spent the past few years complaining about? Lesbians, trans, and fat people on television. (You wier
  12. It's funny how to some of you people everything is either the lefts fault or something that isn't any one person's fault but still partially the let's fault. Nothing is ever the conservatives fault.
  13. Andor is actually good. Possibly better than the Mandalorian. The latest episode is the best hour of Star Wars Disney has produced. It doesn't rely on main-line star wars and some how manages to make mid-level interoffice politics as interesting as a Jedi fight. This more than makes up for the shit show that was Obi Wan.
  14. It doesn't sound like twitter is trying their best from stopping him from buying it.
  15. Counter what? You never wanted it to work bitch. You never wanted lockdowns to work. You wish more people died... out of spite. People like you have been shit heads from day one. You rooted against every measure besides the do-nothing and let nature run it's course. Mr I dont want a war to save lives. You motherfuckers dont even hear yourselves. You'd shoot down info from 100 doctors, but act like 1 YouTube doctor cracked the code. You want to believe something so you find all of the information to confirm whatever goes on in that sick mind of yours. You're not coming to any conclu
  16. Mr free thinker how is it you never find whacky right wing news stories to post about?
  17. It's gotta suck when you're feeling good about a burn then context tears it down. It sucks to be Cucke.
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