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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. It's gotta suck when you're feeling good about a burn then context tears it down. It sucks to be Cucke.
  2. Please stop. You're as useful as a twitter chat bot. You cant think for youself and any independent thoughts you have can be torn apart by a 10 year old.
  3. You fucking brought up lockdowns in this discussion in the first place. Which has nothing to do with these doctors and their pledge that you're butthurt over. We didn't have years to study it as you well know. You guys have to be so obtuse to make your points. How dont I? At the end of the day the measures people like you, Cooke, and Twincel (all right-wingers btw - big coincidence I'm sure) complained about had a net positive and we avoided the worst projections. It was perfect and COVID mutated and continues to. I'll get to Cooke's bitch ass in a
  4. Lockdowns were government mandates. It wasn't like doctors controlled government legislation. When one side is saving lives and the other side is made up retards with no solution, it's a given who has the moral and intellectual high ground. There were people who are like they are antivax because they don't trust scientists but then listened to whatever fucking Joe Rogan told to do. So in this instance I do have the high ground and can honestly state most antivaxxers are stupid, low information trend followers. Fuck them.
  5. So if Putin made a video stating he wanted half of Canada or he would nuke the entire country what would you do? Like, you're a pretty shitty selfish person, so I get you're like let him have Ukraine. But at what point do you draw a line?
  6. You are still whining about the vaccine and lock down restrictions even though you admit and clearly are aware that it saved lives. That's what doctors are supposed to do. I still don't understand what you weirdos wanted. For no one to do anything? To just let nature run its course and let as many people die or suffer the affects of covid? I don't give people shit for not getting a vax, but then you guys are up your own asses about it. Was the covid response perfect? No. But how could it be? Yes pharma companies are all about money and one of the only good things Trump
  7. Lol what the fuck are you even talking about.
  8. Cooke is using war mongers because Tulsi told him that.
  9. How about you shut the fuck up and let people live? Like at the end of the day these are doctors taking a vow to do good and you fucking goons have a problem with it. Like what the fuck kind of person is troubled by people being too nice? Isnt the antithesis of a good person a bad person? The right is so fucked this shit makes sense to you guys. Right wing media celebrating all the the worse characteristics of humanity. Racism, masculine insecurity, lack of education, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, religious zealotry. Collecting shit bags all over the internet from gamer gaters
  10. I imagine people that listen to alex jones or Ben Shapiro or Dave Rubin or Matt Walsh are those types of people. Such a classy gent.
  11. Church of Woke: Young doctors vowing to provide quality healthcare and consideration with previously marginalized groups in mind. To hopefully fill in gaps that historically given less resources or consideration. Healthcare, one of the most vital industries in humanity. Church of Trump: Literally churches indoctrinating stupid people to do whatever a 75 year old rich racist pathological liar wants or tells them to do to benefit him financially. Gee, which is worse.
  12. oh, please feel free to provide context or correct me where I was wrong. It should be easy, this site has all of this stuff indexed. I honestly welcome you to correct me.
  13. I bet you do. You're a self hating bigot so I would expect no less from you. You're not seeing something no else sees. We all know Russia has nukes, we all know Putin is a nightmare but you're the one trying to pass this off as not negotiating with a mad man that invaded a sovereign nation or that making a deal with them is essentially the same as negotiating with a terrorist times 1000x. So when Russia wants something in the future does the world just give them what the want under threat of a nuclear strike? Where is the line?
  14. i can't either. Hey I just thought of a third dumbest comment in the world you made. Remember when you proposed all companies have their employees work outside? Like in parking lots and parks? You're sooooooooo fucking stupid. Possibly the dumbest person to ever post on this site.
  15. His entitlement is showing again. Homophobia used to be treated as a mental disease and is technically still illegal in some states. Women received the right to vote a 100 years ago, and were only allowed to have credit card in the mid 70s. Yes, before the mid 70s women couldn't have credit cards, or obtain mortgages in their own names. This isn't ancient history, every single person in here has a loved one that grew up in this era. Shall we talk about how neuro divergent, bipolar, and other mental disabilities have been treated? Even u
  16. Remember when that time Cooke said something really clever or insightful, or not something he just spewed as the ass end of a human-centipede of right-wing useful idiot bullshit.
  17. So I'm naïve? Says the guy whose solution for racial strife in North America or around the world is for the government to say "Dont be racist". That's it. No one has ever thought of it before you Cooke. Simply say "dont be racist" and it'll solve it all. Hey, werent you the guy who called for 100% lockdowns. So no one would be able to leave their houses for 1 whole month. In which delivery people would do EVERYTHING for EVERYONE instead. This not only sounded real to you, even when questioned you couldn't even think of a single logistical fuck up this would bring. Sh
  18. The irony is that Cucke was advocating for colonialism just a few hours ago. When a country with a superior military invades another and takes control over all or part of it, that's colonialism. Cooke wants Ukraine to surrender regions to Russia to end their war. Man, it's like I've been saying for years and on here in recent months: People who claim they are free thinking moderates but have no conviction are easily swayed into let corrupt power get what they want... as long as it doesn't directly inconvenience them.
  19. When white people hear "anti-racism" and get offended is always a good sign. Also guys, when shit bags like Ruffo do these, you usually don't have to scroll more than a couple of seconds and you'll usually find some sober information to counter the knee jerk reaction this stuff is being posted to do. I actually brought up Ruffo to @Ramza this weekend. No shock Cucke listens to him. Different schools have these kinds of oaths they make in addition to hypocratic oath. The world isn't burning.
  20. Lol I got on Cooke, but how is she a negative for the Republican or crazy when she sounds exactly like them? Show me a smart, credible, and dutiful republican please. I can name a dozen worse while chugging a beer.
  21. The Luckiest Girl Alive is pretty good. The first 15 minutes is rough but the movie builds and gets better and better. Like alot of stuff lately the younger cast and their story is a bit better than the adult age half but it's surprising good over all.
  22. Please feel free to point me in the direction of some smart anti-vaxxers that aren't grifters. It's anecdotal, but it's alot. I didnt say "many of them". All of them. They have all been stupid people. You mistakenly think I am saying they are stupid because they are anti-vax. I am saying the are anti-vax because they are stupid. You're so good at posting sources for all of the dumb shit you believe so I know you'll surprise me -end sarcasm- Well you have shown some empathy for women...kind of? But only because it was part of your defense of your transphobia.
  23. lol You didnt give him any reasons to watch the video nimrod. What exactly does her working for Bernie 7 years ago have to do with anything or that this guy is a Libertarian? Besides the question of when has being a Libertarian ever been a good thing? What about any of that makes this a must watch other than to stroke your alt right ego that you're actually not just a right wing sycophant?
  24. Russia literally invaded the fucking Ukraine. Like you talk about negotiations like they are co-owners dividing a company. What exactly does Ukraine gain in this? Avoiding a nuclear attack in exchange for several of their regions that have been occupied? lmfao Cucke you're so fucking stupid.
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