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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. This is a fair point. You have no point of reference to what I mean by that. I honestly have not had an interaction with an antivax person who didn't come off as an idiot in general. Passionate, full of conviction, assertive. Yes to all of those things. Smart, no. I'm not saying this solely on the vax thing. The consistent person on health and vax issues are unicorns. Strictly on COVID, it's mostly political. And much of it from the culture. Which is especially dangerous as the the governing right follows the culture nearly instantly. Some idiot on twitter can have legitimate Republican politi
  2. While it's funny watching you two retards fight. I'll ask you, so Putin can do and get whatever he wants because Russia has nukes? Aren't you the anti-China guy? Calling Twincel Hilary-like minded as a dis is might sound good for short term memory folk but like Hilary called out Tulsi years before Russia even invaded Ukraine so you're not making her or him look bad in this instance. BTW this is why you idiots are so annoying. Yall have such shitty opinions I'm forced to say positive things about people I can't stand. At the end of the day Tulsi has been a right appeasing grifter
  3. lol God, you're so fucking weird. I'll say this in a bubble. It's only been hours since you called me a BLM apologist. You are an antivaxxer, and you have claimed that antivaxxers are discriminated against more than any ethnic/religious group. Not saying there's a pattern, but some people might see one? With that out of the way, This isn't America and as far as I know stuff like this hadnt happened here or at least this widespread. I was fine with lockdowns, and I was fine with unvaxxed people not being allowed into bars and restaurants. I'm never down with police brut
  4. lol You're trying to avoid the rest of the post because your points were shredded I see. By hate women I dont mean punching them or anything but having a shitty attitude towards them. Men who tend to shit talk the girls they date alot of times exhibit misogyny in various ways. Like defending women against trans people while also mocking women at the same time. Conservatives have weird and underinformed opinions on SA so nothing is a surprise. Rounding back to abortion it was only a few years ago "legit r*ape" was being argued by conservative politicians. They also tend to automat
  5. Replacement theory that conservatives used say they weren't preaching.
  6. Lmfao when the right rallies behind Ye for wearing a white lives matter tshirt and publicly loving Trump... Then surprise - he brings the antisemitism.
  7. Mr. Impossible


    Maks off racism on deck.
  8. Cooke doesn't care. You alt right types are usually single issue oriented with shitty convictions on most other topics.
  9. I'm glad you posted that clip. Will make my job easier. For one, she's a Berkley Law Professor. She doesn't teach high school or elementary school. Which has been my point from jump. You are telling me that this is too corruptive a conversation for ivy league post grads to have? Her biggest problem was nervously word spamming at Hawleys deceptive questioning. Having clinical information and legalese wording be inclusive to trans people doesn't affect your life or ruin society. He purposely chose to say 'women" in order to exclude trans people who can be impregnated. Being obtuse o
  10. Who is forcing this on people and who is saying that biological men can have children? You can just say woke or left or progressive. Using all three just makes you seem desperate to sound like you know what you are talking about and in reality you sound like a right wing twitter bot. At no point have you shown empathy for anyone other than antivaxxers and you have rarely shown common sense. You still have yet to give us even two words of this dangerous leftist Marxist socialist snowflake libtard man-breast-milk veganist agend
  11. So in the time since I called Walsh creepy. Some of his previous talking points have gotten some attention. He defended incest/pedophilia because the perpetrator was religious and his victims were girls. “Well, it seems that in the wake of news that Josh had molested five young girls — four of whom were his sisters — Walsh proudly positioned himself as the reality star’s biggest defender. The Duggars aren’t hypocrites, progressives are,” Walsh declared, choosing to turn this into a culture war issue instead of being duly disgusted by the details of the case, including the nauseatin
  12. Trans men can have babies depending on how far they have transitioned. You can't pretend to be reasonable or intelligent while being purposely obtuse about it. You constantly try to draw a line between trans/drag folks with pedophilia or grooming. Like being either makes someone more likely to victimize a child than a hereto person. You also keep going on about about gender identity and how troubled you are with the number of people who don't identity as straight. Like I said before, CRT was being taught as college electives and mostly
  13. Incel plays a game with a female protagonist and doesn't like it. Now steaming on systemwars.com.
  14. For the record, this whole thing starts with you raging against discussion. lol Hypocrisy, it's what's you guys wield like a knife. Again, you're the one upset over speech. You can't actually describe the upsetting speech you're riled up about, but you're definitely worried about it. Yeah, that's not how it works. You're not a transphobe for engaging in discussion, you're a transphobe because of your belief system. lol At this vague word salad. Notice you dont actually tell us what is actually being taught that's upsetting you
  15. In my defense, you're too much of an uninformed bot to actually define what you're crying about. Three months and you've yet to actually explain what the woke agenda being spread by socialist teachers is in any clear way. In my honest opinion, you want to feel outraged and are too much of a coward to actually look up what you're worried about because deep down you know things aren't nearly as bad as you were made to believe. And also you're transphobia.
  16. 10 injured after NYPD car driving on wrong side of road during emergency call crashes Shit like this is why certain crimes have been given a reduced response initiative. It was a fucking stolen car, this wasn't a pursuit of terrorist or a mass murderer. This is fucking ridiculous.
  17. Because there's so much good writing and dialog in Mario games for them to use.
  18. Creepy Matt Walsh being a racist creep and hypocrite like most right wing pundits. Funny how he doesn't think teenagers are able to determine their sexual preferences at that age but are ready and capable of getting married, having children and starting a family. It was never about what's right for young people and simply transphobia/homophobia. At the end of the day these people never shudder at teens being sexualized as long as it's heterosexual.
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