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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Lol actually your initial point was that they were fighting thier hardest to prevent him from buying Twitter. Yet they went to court to force him to buy it. Your second point was that he was working to pay a lower price. Which also didn't end up happening. How exactly were you right again? And Lmfao when the fuck have you ever been right about anything in the first place. Sit your little cuck ass down.
  2. Well, Twincel is just some right wing cuck on a leash and I can call Bytchre a fugly freakshow all I want. I wore a Halloween mask at a Halloween party. You sure owned me, Boomer. Lol
  3. Calls out Conservatives for being dishonest and hypocritical for supporting his father. With no self awareness, he continues to be a right wing influencer because those same dishonest hypocrits are the only people who would pay attention to his stupid bullshit.
  4. Who are these moderates you're talking about? Yes, Im pretty sure the people I call incels are indeed incels. Who is fucking Bytchre? I said one line about you lying and you're so butthurt now lol. Like part of your character has always been about being intentionally dishonest. Why cry about it?
  5. Lol nigga you look like pudding come to life.
  6. Just because you fancy yourself anti corporation or whatever, for clout. Doesn't automatically make you right about stuff. You're right wing shill who loves the establishment, so save us the bullshit.
  7. When you have to lie to try to make a minor point lol. You've always been that guy.
  8. You try too hard for so little content.
  9. Then explain it FFS. I never said it was important to me or ever pretended to care. I only ask out of curiosity if you're actually capable of independent thought or solely just parrot right wing nonsense you see on your phone.
  10. You either can't recognize hypocrisy or are fine with it. Either seems equally possible given you posting history.
  11. So by your logic, a teacher teaching a health class and acknowledging that gay people exist is grooming and sexualizing them. Yet a man laughing and claiming that adult women sleeping with pubescent boys is a good thing because they are relieving the teens stress isn't? Ok.
  12. Lol the bullshit king is back. Yes, a black aggrievement site. because this stuff is totally on par with priveledged people complaining about Lizzo playing a flute no one knew existed for 1 minute and claiming it was a deliberate move to destroy history. The critique of aggrievement is its crafting far reaching 'conspiracies' for lack of a better word. Not factual injustices bad policies. Nice try, Boomer. You're still as full of shit as ever.
  13. Lol motherfucker you post conspiracy theories you can't even explain. I'm still waiting for the dangerous leftist woke agenda to turn kids gay but you haven't. I asked you multiple times to post party wide political platforms for the right other than digging for oil, again nothing. You only consume right wing news and only defend right wing politics yet you can never state what you're for or against? Honestly at least.
  14. I mean that's the main content the brand makes. I literally picked the two right wing crying topics that were trending today. Lol you're so defensive about them.
  15. Yes, I'm owned because someone I don't want for VP said something or did something.
  16. Lol you say no shit when you were the one saying he consented while being underaged. Yes, that was my fault, not yours. You're always right, even when you are wrong. Yes, we know. You can live with sexualizing kids as long as no one involved is trans, queer, or woke.
  17. My point is that the exact same thing can be said about overweight people and trans people. I know hypocrisy is your ideology so the concept goes over your head. Even Joe Rogan pointed out to him years ago that he's a hypocrit on how he empathizes with incels over other marginalized people.
  18. LMFAO this twat. Crying for all his incel followers not being able to get laid. This is how people like PIers Morgan are shitty at their job. Jordan casually puts the cause of incels on women being choosey. Such a vague and counter productive indictment to make and gets zero push back or even follow up. To be fair, he was brought on the show for Morgan to suck him off anyway I suppose. That right wing hypocrisy. His voice breaks talking about how there's not enough positive energy out there and it's something free and easy to give. I actually agree with that statement. But isn't he
  19. Let's start with Ben Shapiro once again throwing a temper tantrum because a black woman did something. Millionaire hobbit who is made Lizzo played a flute no one even knew existed before his rant to the cloud. Another right wing creep and Shapiro coworker lmfao "American History" When in the history of anyone here's life did James Madison's fucking flute ever come up? Schools barely teach about Madison, Hamilton, and the like at the essential school level in this country. Let alone mentioning weird instruments they owned. "history, tradition, an
  20. There's a lot of double standards going around. If someone played a clip of a Drag queens laughing about a student having gay sex or sex with a trans teacher you wouldn't be trying to down play it at all. I think the whole point is that these kids can't consent to sex with adults, especially ones with authority over them. I mean the only point you have been trying to make all these months is that you think kids this age even learning 'leftist agendas' in school is terrible and they're 'too confused' to know what's better. That and your deep concern that there's too ma
  21. lol this bitter incel. Motherfucker, you're just mad that I laugh at the fact you have conniptions about Xbox like Bill Gates murdered your family or something.
  22. That's the center of the onion of nearly all of our exchanges. You come in hot without knowing what you're talking about and keep fighting until you have to either admit you're incorrect or just ignore it. Yet some how it just keeps happening and happening and at no point are you self aware to notice the pattern at all. You dont even pause going into another topic you're equally ignorant off with a condescending and authoritative tone. Counting down, 3, 2, 1... In what way exactly? Either now or historically? Like look at the country after Clinton took over from before or
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