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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. How about incels stop tying their masculinity and self worth to videogames and sci-fi movies? This is the easiest solution.
  2. Too bad, but also not sooo bad as this would have definitely fucked up the stock market. However it was nice to think about this bastard getting ousted.
  3. lmfao motherfucker it's called being informed. which is probably why you, cocke, and twincel are always being made a fool of in here by everyone else. "Exploding Milk Porn" was already a couple days old by the time this thread was made and yes I looked it up for context because this looks more like a mockery of transitioning than an earnest person in the process. I didnt take it at face value as nearly every right winger on the internet is either lying or stupid (again, you, cocke, twinblade for example) There's nothing for me to defend? I dont think he should be allowed to teach
  4. Except that's not what's happening. Lol yall motherfuckers legit make shit up to be upset about lol. No one is being vilified. The school is deflecting.
  5. You have the mentality of a 12 year old, juice box bitch. 6 or 7 years ago a Bernie lover shot a congressman, in public. There are violent psychos on the left and sometimes they do terrible things. I'm gonna fuck up your brain with a stupid hypothetical situation. One where this guy ran over and killed a black teen and said that he was in BLM and calling for backup. The media would descend all over the story because of the race angle. Painting this drunk man a racist. You would be in this forum defending him and saying we don't know the whole story yet and also it's n
  6. Don't go making too much sense in a Twincel thread. Woke is basically a code word for women, black people, Asians, gays, trans or basically anything that isn't a straight white guy. I keep seeing incels complaining about how woke Rings of Power and House of the Dragon is and the only difference between them and GOT and LOTR is you'll see a black or Asian person a few times an episode.
  7. Walsh is just an insecure and angry white dude who says stupid shit for attention. The problem with social media is that it gives right wing shit-peddlers a free, easy, and direct way to create their disingenuous content. Back in the day people like Ann Coulter had to write a whole book, or appear on a radio show, or pen an op-ed to make outrage bait. Now idiots like Walsh can just stupid shit to be seen by hundreds of thousands of people multiple times a day.
  8. The best part of this story is the people of Martha's vineyard actually did their best to be kind and help the migrants. The opposite of what conservatives were expecting because they are ghouls who can't imagine helping people they don't immediately identify with.
  9. Why would I be mad that you're stupid?
  10. End misusing terms you don't understand that you saw on the internet.
  11. Yeah, racist are really bothered by HOD and Rings of whatever.
  12. What's interesting is that a woman filmed the crowd from the back of the arena and it was more than half empty. Which is low compared to the full stadiums he used to get. This could mean a few different things. One of which with this video as well is Trump is beginning to shed some of the more "reasonable" people and MAGA is becoming more concentrated with the cult nutjobs and radical people.
  13. Lol @Ramza knew deep down this shit was true. This level cruelty and irresponsibility is what people like him love to see. It's also why there is probably nothing to that will happen. It's not that DeSantis didn't know if these people had temporary legal standing or were here illegally, it's that they didn't care. Online, most right wing sources are still calling these people illegals. The rights entire playbook at this point is cruelty. Cruelty disguised as patriotism, cruelty disguised as comedy, cruelty disguised as protecting children.
  14. I found that whole thing disturbing but most of these idiots don't know history so I don't think it was meant that way. The whole thing had a megachurch vibe to it tho. Those people know worship and that's pretty much what they were doing. It doesn't help that grifter church pimps spent 6 years acting like he's some prophet or something.
  15. Yes, and I've explained both to you.
  16. More childish bullshit from you. lol "No one is surprised" you made a post celebrating a man you admit you dont know much about. Then like a child you bring Harris again even though I've stated in here many times I dont care for Harris or Biden. This is like the intellectual equivalent of tossing furniture around the floor as a distraction. They have a set of protocols to follow for active shooters. Since mass shooters goals are usually to kill as many people as possible and not hold hostages for ransom the objective is to get into the area they are in and eliminate the
  17. It's probably Vice City. Since Florida has some swamp creatures they're probably building out country landscapes as well like they did with GTA V.
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