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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. I honestly dont know what to make of the OP. Like it's a serious topic but that YouTube hack's video has some stupid whimsical music or whatever like it's impossible burger memes and not a potential national disaster. Then there's your weird 'Here comes a new challenger'...you guys just make everything so fucking weird for no reason.
  2. Yes, all of the people either I or someone else prove are wrong or liars on a regular basis keep saying that. Maybe this statement is one of the times y'all are right? Who knows?
  3. lmfao on multiple occasions you decided to not actually articulate your points out of protest that I wouldn't give them just due or something. One of the most pussy moves possible. There are the other times where you act sober and admit that your sources are probably not trust worthy or you admit to not knowing the topic. It's crazy how you view these exchanges. Ever stop to reread any of these threads?
  4. It's funny how you keep talking about Big Pharma as if that is the reason you're like this. You're only saying that as some sort of cover for your smooth brain conspiracy bullshit you've been on since day one. You didn't arrive at this mindset, you just adopted every right wing position possible.
  5. Meanwhile you haven't even articulated a single thing and are constantly admitting you were wrong or misinformed. I'm trying to see how you still have such a condescending tone in light of all this.
  6. lmfao the crazy is part is flipping through these is the amount of times Trump is asked about violence at this rallies and he defends nearly every single instance and shows his approval of people getting beat up.
  7. lmfao motherfucker you haven't made anyone squirm in here. You're getting beat down in every exchange you're having on this forum. I'm not just being mean when I said it's like arguing with a young child.
  8. How hasn't a woman snatched you out of your mother's house yet?
  9. LMFAO this clown is fucking shameless. It's crazy how you clutch your pearls every time I point out how stupid, dishonest, and hypocritical you are.
  10. That's good, MAGA people are the scum of the country. Not too long ago at a Biden rally or whatever some MAGA dude was acting up and causing a scene. When the crowd got worked up, Biden told everyone to settle down and not react negatively towards the man and to let him be escorted out peacefully. He did make a snarky remark about the guy's right to act dumb in public, but that was it. Meanwhile men were sucker punching women and people of color at Trump rallies at his behest and enjoyment. But yeah, the red lighting was the worst thing a President has ever done.
  11. you guys are so fucking dishonest it's fucking with my high lol. Yes, that's what I thought. That you were literally claiming that you were a scientist and biologist...although that might be redundant. Fucking cunt. Lol. Well you were being sarcastic, but the sarcasm was that you still had some level of credibility and could, by the sheer strength of character and will make expert opinions on topics you know nothing about.
  12. Motherfucker, you brought him and his speeches up! Now you have never seen him say any of this shit over the past 6 years? How many fucking times are you guys going to use "I didn't know" excuse. Then shut the fuck up and listen if you guys don't know anything. You guys are fucking demented.
  13. lol I'm still waiting for @Cooke to respond to my post here to him. The sad thing is these motherfuckers act like no one can see their patterns.
  14. Except that's not true. You're an anti-trans bigot for sure and possibly have issues with gay people. You guys might not hate or want to kill or hurt them, but doesn't mean you're not prejudiced against them. You also definitely have some white aggrievement shit going down at your core but that doesn't make you racist either. That's part of your entitlement complex. You guys act like I say things out of nowhere, I've explained in detail to all of you already. Paying more attention to how you guys interact with Robo, Jerry, Gak, and the others your patterns are plain as day. In ord
  15. I had a fever the first night and not much after that. Not sure if and by how much it helped but i'm glad it worked out. Lol two of the biggest idiots being proudly anti vax is just a coincidence I'm sure.
  16. You say this like Trump didn't have rallies where he... Egged on his supporters to beat up people there if the were protesting him. Promising to pay their bail if they got arrested for assaulting someone. Told police cadets they can be abusive to the people they arrest. He made claims he wanted to commit war crimes like finding the families of enemy combatants and kill them regardless of their views. Held campaigns where he called his political opponents evil. Painted most Mexicans in this country rapist and drug dealers. Lied about Muslims dan
  17. It's crazy that the people who love authoritarianism when it's used against people of color, women, and pretty much anyone who aren't religious 'straight' white men are losing their mind over the Biden speech having red lighting. Meanwhile the man they love thinks his followers are such sheep he can kill a man on the street and none of them would stop supporting him. MLK spoke of riots being the language of the unheard. This country was born from a riot. So I am not entirely antiriot, but there's a difference between stone wall and confederate fuckers storming the cap
  18. lol at how pouty you are because you got exposed again. Motherfucker, this is a text forum. You act like people can't read and confirm how you're constantly being proven wrong and can't articulate all of the things you're afraid of.
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