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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. Yes, you mostly say stupid and untrue shit. We cover this nearly every interaction. WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? I've explained to you multiple times how you're a bigot. So this whole "how am I a bigot" thing is You have brain damage and can't recall the multiple times over the past couple of months that I detailed your bigotry. You have some kind of personality disorder where you disregard hard truths and you cope by purging the interactions from your memory. Like a trauma response. You're just being dishonest and this is some sad distraction. I'm
  2. OMG, you know a drag queen? So hip. It's not necessary. It's not necessary for kids to go to the Nintendo store, McDonalds, musicals, zoos, chuckee cheese, build-a-bear, Michael's, skate parks, disneyland, movies.... lmfao you almost pulled it off then completely unraveled. You really are a sheltered little snowflake at the end of the day. I left out the part of how tedious you are to argue with. You seem completely ignorant of what you're saying that I often times find that I have to actually inform you of things, whilst also arguing against
  3. Hmmm, Of the two of us. Who is constantly talking about issues they dont know anything about, with authority? How many times have you had to admit you were wrong, which means nothing because you some how comfort yourself with some bullshit reason how you're still right. You've posted one source ever, and your dumb ass misread the information and continued arguing your untrue points. You're a bigot. Deal with it. lmfao Ramza-Go-Round in a nustshell say something stupid/untrue you literally just learned. make shit up to support the stupid/untrue statement.
  4. How about you just nut up for once and actually say what you mean? What is it about a drag show that is so destructive to a child? If the material is child appropriate I fail to see what danger awaits the kids who go. Feel free to fil me in on what I'm missing here. Deny what? You still haven't actually mentioned a problem. You just seem to think that gay/trans/drag? people shouldn't be around kids at this point. Oh, I haven't convinced a bigot that he's a bigot? We all know how reasonable and self aware bigots are and they come around pretty easil
  5. What is this 'deology' you guys keep warning us about that you do not seem to actually know? Not hating queer people or treating them with the same respect you'd give a straight person? What a terrible thing to teach children.
  6. Drag Storytime and the like have been around at least a decade at this point. It's only news to you because it's the latest Right Wing sky is falling bait they get idiots like you to fall for ever election cycle. Like CRT, caravans, ANTIFA, BLM, trans bathrooms, ACORN... It does if your main concern is children's safety. Please find me all of the data about abused children at drag shows or book readings then. LMFAO 'how about no' - showing that you really dont even give a fuck, you just want to bash trans people. You imply, all of the time. W
  7. Not totally sold on ranked choice but glad it worked out like it did. Naturally in the post Trump world Palin is calling this a fraud. So now every fucking time a republican loses an election they are going to say the election was rigged. Like it's such a fucked up take to have and shows how they really feel about democracy.
  8. Lmfao you guys always say this stupid shit for some reason after 'asking' stupid or dishonest 'questions' that are in reality poorly disguised distractions. Some tard on Twitter used this same stupid line after asking if 'nasa hadn't gotten equipment in the past 15 years.' Lol like, no they didn't. NASA is still using computers from 2006. Great question. I don't think I've seen a smart or honest statement from a right winger in 6 years.
  9. I'm trying to make sense of this fucking retarded line of thinking you've coopted because you don't like trans people. I'm not saying that every right winger is into kid pagents, but there sure as hell way more of them than drag shows for kids. Yet some how here we are in a drag kids show thread, that you made. No one sends their kids to school or church to be molested, but unfortunately that happens. Protecting children is vital and no sensible person can argue with that. I'm just curious if there are almost no stories of drag queens molesting kids at drag
  10. No, it's only gender/sex issues is only between a child and their parents up until they decide to proceed with gender transitioning. Then it's Matt Walsh, Jordan Peterson, and anyone right wing bigot who don't hate trans people. They just don't want them to exist or for society to accept them.
  11. Lol that flex, when you laugh that news you consume is bullshit propaganda, but they tell you what you want to hear so you're fine with it. You people are psychotic lol.
  12. Um, no because there is nothing wrong with a kid friendly drag show or drag queen story hour. If kids can watch Mrs Doubtfire or any dozen other family movies with cross dressing leads and not automatically be turnt queer or trans, there's no reason seeing a drag show will. Kids aren't that dumb. They get its an act. I wasnt do a whataboutism, I was pointing out how right wing bigotry is being disguised as them defending children's honor. Like how none of them seem to mention Christian or Catholic church grooming and sexual assaults. It's like how Trump used to tell jokes while he
  13. Lol this sorry cunt returns because he found a a tweet to use against Biden.
  14. Meh. I tried playing TLOU last year or whatever but couldn't get into it for some reason. Ultimately it just didn't seem fun? It's all well made, I just didn't care about the people or what was going on at all.
  15. lmfao Fox producers nut themselves whenever Hilary comes outside.
  16. I'll raise Fox's kid friendly drag show concerns and play the 5 billion dollar kid beauty pageant card. https://news.sky.com/story/inside-5bn-industry-of-child-beauty-pageants-10334507 Why are absolutely NO conservatives talking about this? I mean yes, most take place in the south or red states and most of the contestants love God and Christianity and guns, but surely they are not all dishonest hypocrites using children to launder their hatred of the LGBTQ community right? If a child watching a man in dress read books is grooming them, wtf is putt
  17. It's an older film but just released on Hulu. I watched it this weekend and loved it. It's also completely up on Youtube as well. Anyone who liked Kung Fu Hustle should like this. It's got bad chinese FX in a lot of places but the story is alot of fun. Very family friendly as well.
  18. I can't cap and say that there's no left leaning extremist but most American militia types are right wingers. Hell, someone running for THE MAGA house had to be deplatformed because he was vowing to make it legal to shoot federal agents who show up to people's doors. Conservatives have entirely different opinions on law enforcement for themselves vs other people. After years of blue lives matters and crying about abolishing agencies the right wing want to burn down all of out intelligence agencies because they showed up to search Donald Trump's house. This shows how t
  19. You most likely watch right wing shit, which might be better than American right wing shit, but not to the point you're anymore informed. You use the same misused buzzwords and vague wording, so give us a break.
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