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Mr. Impossible

System Warrior
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Everything posted by Mr. Impossible

  1. None. These dudes are preformative. They love the petty cruelty of the right and/or wallowing in their white aggrievement.
  2. lmfao lol rofl you alt right motherfuckers. lol they realized the complete opposite of what you're claiming though. Pesky fact They tell you who the people retard. Hell, Trump hired like 3 staffers right from CNN. I'm not talking about behind the scenes people because who knows but remember when Rick Santorum was dragged for his homophobic bullshit like 15 years ago and yet "woke" CNN still has him on the air bulldozing other commentators. Yes, there is. It's called the truth. Just because you're a dishonest piece of shit does
  3. It's really hard to hear these stories. To the point that I can't have "told you so" energy about it. I think it shows how easily the right slips into the fringe it's barely noticeable. How anyone believes that medical choices should be based on the fucking Bible is psychotic, but to also feel that everyone should be forced to adhere to it by law is disgusting.
  4. This guy does a nice little job of explaining this mindset.
  5. Coincidentally boycott CNN is trending. I wonder what the discussion is about it. This is how informed leftist view CNN. Then you have a conservative retard saying the stupid fact free rant bullshit they always spew or posting memes because they are incapable of making valid points. Then the reality that every network is in fact infested with Republicans and are not the liberal heaven right wing tards think they are. Mainstream media is corporate media. They are there to help the left do anything.
  6. What's funny is that he said this was the hospital's fault for following the law as written then goes on to call me out for pointing out his dishonesty. For a 30 year old virgin that lives at home L, in CT, this motherfucker has no shame at all lol.
  7. Post legitimate studies and we'll talk about it. Should be interesting as there isn't a single credible conservative news channel out there. Is there one that isn't a dedicated propaganda machine for Donald Trump? Or cheered for him to have Clinton locked up now they want to disband most of our intelligence agencies for daring to show up and quietly retrieve stolen materials. Conservative media is just propaganda. Look at fox during the Bush years defending everything he did then after Obama everyone on the right immediately took a negative stance on Bush and Iraq. Th
  8. Exactly how have I been dishonest? Everything I said was true and some last second thumbs up because a state senator says that a procedure not legally established is OK? Let's say this woman didn't have resources or was someone who didn't want to expose their situation to the public, how would they have gotten the attention of a state official? And what would the outcome have been? The point of all of this, while the women is only a few weeks away from the already tight deadline for the procedure. I call you dishonest because you lie, repeat lies/misinformation, you a
  9. The condition her fetus suffered wasn't on the exemption list for conditions so of course a hospital in the sister fucking south isn't going to just say fuck it proceed with the abortion. A fucking state senator telling a news station "yeah, they should have done it." when technically it wasn't legal by their own statute means shit when the right is also like "report your neighbors if you think they are in any way involved in an abortion." That part proceeds the part about the state senator just giving the thumbs up to not seem like a ghoul. Tell me again about reading
  10. A pregnant Louisiana woman faced with either carrying a skull-less fetus to term – for the baby to likely die within hours – or traveling several states away to obtain an abortion has hired a prominent civil rights attorney as she weighs how to move forward. ____ This is so chill. Republicans are awesome. I see the appeal.
  11. You defend a man who spent an entire monolog on cable news' highest rated show literally whining about how the green M&M is less sexy than it used to be. You're retarded.
  12. Oh, the MSM vs conservative misinformation topic. I'll gladly post some studies about how misinformed conservatives are vs independents and left leaning folk. Here's a hint, conservative news is designed to be dishonest and misrepresent the facts. Feel free to to prove me wrong.
  13. No one would mind if you stopped doing that either.
  14. That is an interesting response. Lol I've had far more negative encounters with police than nutjobs trying to bludgeon me. As for the case. The results are bad but this is some weird territory as the man threw a single punch. It was unprovoked from what I saw but that was only a few seconds. I agree with the Governor because of the results of the punch. I'm glad you think nyc is a cesspool, keep your dirty ass in CT.
  15. This shit works. Most right wingers don't ever follow their thoughts to their conclusions. Because they are uninformed by choice or are dishonest about their intent and choose to be purposely vague to allow their followers to fill the empty space with their own baggage. Their already right wing baggage, or ad hoc aggrievement issues like women's sports, vaccines, or Capt Marvel that can become strangely political.
  16. It hasn't happened before because people just left instead of being fucking weirdos and insisting on holding on to shit after their time was done. They also didn't flush docs down toilets like the world's dumbest criminal. There don't burn your brain out over it.
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